Sarah-5 minute purpose pitch

Your Story: For as long as I can remember I have played sports. Starting with soccer at 3 years old, I have been doing it ever since. In a year or two, my dad would introduce me to the Yankees which budded an obsession that will last decades. In 8th grade, I learned that my cousins in England were Tottenham Hotspur supporters, which was when I started really following soccer.

Your Resources Your Strengths: No matter what was going on in school I have always been able to focus and rely on sports to be there for me and cheer me up, whether it’s playing or watching. I was never amazing or really like school so sports were something I was really able to excell in. As I have gotten further into high school I have started looking beyond the scores and going deeper into the player’s performences.

Your Result State Your Purpose: I want to be able to learn a lot more about both sports to become as knowlegdgeable as possible. I don’t exactly know how this will play out in a senior project but I was thinking about learning about what it is like to be behind the scenes on a professional sports team.

One thought on “Sarah-5 minute purpose pitch

  1. Hi Sarah – I can imagine lots of cool directions to take with this. Behind the scenes on a team, sports training/physical therapy, looking at sports education, etc. Excited to see how your ideas develop over time. – Jane

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