Tristan – 5-minute purpose pitch

My reason:

My reason is to help people deal with mental health issues.

My story:

Mental health issues are a big problem, especially among people of my age group. I do not have any major mental health issues, but I recently had a discussion about them with someone close to me, which made me realize how terribly we as a society handle them. Mental health issues are blown out of proportion as huge and terrible things, where in reality they are quite common. For my senior project, I wanted to create something that could help people, specifically teenagers with mental health issues.

My resources:

I have a computer on which I can create my idea, and teachers and student at LREI that can help me get through issues.

My strengths:

I’ve always been the type of person to do a project in one go, start to finish. Throughout my years of high school, I’ve learned that I can be the most efficient if I just sit down, turn off distractions, and work for hours straight without breaks. For most, this would feel painful, but for me, I just need to jump in and get my work done with.

My result:

My result would be a program or app in which someone chats with a bot I have programmed. The app would be for people with mental health issues who for whatever personal reason aren’t comfortable seeing a therapist. The bot would attempt to comfort the person, while gently encouraging the user to seek professional help.

My purpose:

My purpose is to help people to improve their mental health. I want to create something that can help people dealing with mental health issues, in a way that is independent of any outside source of help. Going to therapy is a big deal for many people, so I want to create a step in between, something to help them to the best of their abilities while helping the person organize therapy.

One thought on “Tristan – 5-minute purpose pitch

  1. Tristan, based on our discussion during advisory, it seems like you are interested in continuing to brainstorm the things that you are passionate about and really want to do with this time (Senior Project). Maybe returning to some of the earlier work you did on day 1, or reflecting on the kinds of experiences you’ve had that have been most engaging to you in the last few years could open up some ideas. Happy to keep brainstorming with you! – Jane

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