Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

It’s winter already and the most popular clothes are the warmest ones. Most people think that warm clothes aren’t as fashionable so they spend their winter looking stylish but almost freezing to death. It’s getting a little too cold for leggings but if you can wear them they be my guest. Jeans and sweatpants are the warmest options for the winter. But unlike fall, sweaters won’t cut it anymore. You need to layer your clothing so you won’t be cold and if you’re hot you can just take off a layer. But as for coats, there is a difference between a fall coat and a winter coat. They may look similar but when you’re walking home against the wind the difference if very clear. Certain brands aren’t built for 30-degree weather because the wind and snow will go right through them. You want a coat that can protect you from the snow, rain and the wind. You need a coat that won’t break in the middle if a cold winter. Shirts, pants,  and coats need to keep= you warm through the winter. Pick your clothing wisely.