Happy Thanksgiving!

Fall is the first season that people have to start dressing warm and taking out their sweaters and jackets. Its getting too cold for shorts and short sleeves. The most popular fall clothing for girls in the fall is sweaters and jeans. Swearers are a good choice in the fall because there is ventilation and warmth all at once. Fall is the perfect time to start layering your self because you want to be prepared for winter. Most people avoid wearing jeans because it limits your flexibility or just because it’s uncomfortable. Jeans aren’t the only fall pants that you can wear. For boys and girls there are plenty of other warm clothing that don’t feel uncomfortable. Legging are always an option. All though they are more common for girls they are always an option for boys. Sweat pants are both equally popular for boys as they are for girls. They aren’t very formal and they are super comfortable!

 But not everyone has to wear the same clothes. LREI is a progressive school that represents our differences which makes it only necessary that we should be about to represent ourselves through our clothes. Most private school have uniforms to saves the time and efforts of picking out our clothes in the morning. And those school may think that they having uniforms saves kids for some of the teasing and taunting that happens in middle school they are also limiting  a child’s creativity. And i’m not saying that every girl and boy cares about what they wear but there should still be a choice. Currently, 80 percent of women in the U.S. are dissatisfied with their appearance. It is important that at an early age kids should stop thinking towards the media and start thinking as one.