The year is coming to an end. So I thought it would be a good idea to write a recap about the year. The ups and downs of seventh grade. This year feels like it has gone by remarkably fast, but let’s start at the very beginning.

  1. The first day:

I remember the first day surprisingly well, I remember the outfit I wore, the table I sat at, and even the homework we got. I was nervous, yet excited for what was to come. It seems like forever ago now.

  1. Williamsburg:

Williamsburg was a very good learning experience, we got to have fun with our friends, and learn a lot of interesting things about our topics! Going to different sites and doing interviews taught me so much about my topic, and really helped me write my paper. It also was very cool to learn about, since I really enjoyed my topic(education).

  1. The Cultures in Contact Museum:

Surprisingly less scary than I was expecting it to be. The image of it had been built up in my head for such a long time, it seemed to be something bigger, and more fearful than it actually was. I ended up having a good time and really enjoyed sharing my topic with. It felt good to finally be sharing all the work I had been doing for months.

  1. Sports:

This year was a fairly good year for MS sports! In the fall, the volleyball team places second in the DISC league. The cross country team placed The soccer team placed first! In winter, the girl’s basketball team placed second in the DISC league and tied for first in the ISAL league. Boy’s basketball placed third in the DISC league.

  1. Plays and Musicals:

The winter/fall play was Emil and the Detectives. Emil and the Detectives is a play set in Berlin in the 1920s, about a young boy who gets his money stolen on a train to the city. Along the journey to get his money back from this evil thief(in order to help his hardworking mother)  Emil travels through the city, meeting different children along the way, who want to help prove once and for all that kids have a voice as well as adults. The spring musical was Newsies! Newsies is a very fun, interesting show about the new york newsboys strike in the early 1900s. The show Newsies has a love story, many songs, dances, and a great story/message!

  1. Constitution Works:

Constitution works was a project we did where we study a fake case(made for this project) and split up into three groups: Justices, Government Lawyers, and Newspaper Lawyers. We did lots of preparation and studied this case and other (real) cases. The lawyers wrote briefs and rebuttals, the Justices wrote questions and opinion papers. We went to a real courthouse in Brooklyn and held a trial where all the Lawyers and Justices spoke in front of all the seventh-grade teachers and parents. In the end, the Justices choose who they wanted to rule with, and read their opinion papers to the class.

  1. Books

We read three books as a class this year: First, we read The Giver by Lois Lowry. The Giver is a dystopian novel about a boy named Jonas who prepares to be his societies next Giver(keeper of the memories) and learns the harsh secrets of his world. Second, we read The Crucible by Arthur Miller. The Crucible is a partially fictional play about the Salem Witch Trials, which to place in Massachusetts in the 1690s. Lastly, we read Chains, a novel by Laurie Halse Anderson. Chains is a historical novel, that follows the story of a slave named Isabel, who is living during the time of the revolutionary war. It tells the story of her fighting for the freedom of her and her little sister, Ruth.

Overall, it has been a fun, exciting, and enjoyable year. All the classes and the teachers were great, and I enjoyed all of our projects!

I chose to ask some of my classmates about some of their favorite memories or things we did this year. Here are their responses:

Question: What was your favorite part of the/ thing we did this year?


Shoshi Fine – Going to Williamsburg!

Asher Harris – Reading The Crucible in humanities class!

Kate Deming – Constitution Works!

Alex Cueto – The Cultures in Contact museum!

Thank you to all the students and faculty who made this year a great one! Also, a thank you to all the reps!

P.S. Just wanted to say good luck to the eighth graders, we know you will do so well in High School. You will be missed, thank you for all the good times and for being role models.