The Mueller report came out to the Justice Department and Attorney General on March 21st. Following that Attorney General Barr released his 4 page summary three days later on April 24th.  After the summary of the Mueller Report came out, lots of people were expecting more than a 4 summary of a 448 page report and being left with not much more information than they started with. Attorney General Barr said on multiple occasions that there was no collusion and no obstruction regarding Trump and his team. And this gave the administration cover for weeks until April 18th when the redacted report came out to the public. The report clearly shows that there in fact was evidence of obstruction. We now know Mueller wrote summaries that were supposed to be shown to the public but Barr didn’t include those. How do we know this? Mueller wrote a letter to General Barr three days after the summary came that he wasn’t giving the American people the correct summary of his report and that was over a month ago! We are just learning about this now after someone leaked the letter. Between all of this Barr testified to congress under oath saying things along the lines of that he had no idea if Mueller agreed with his summary or not. After Mueller’s letter was leaked today we know now all of that was a lie. How do you think Donald Trump will respond?