Every documentary has it’s own story that makes it special. That makes it stand out as an individual. The documentary’s you will be looking at here are suggestions that I myself think very well of and am very fond of. These aren’t only movies but historical events, whether it is science, acting, sports, every action and motion is accounted for. This is my review of documentary’s that you and more should watch.

  1. Kissed by God is a heart warming, thrilling and traumatic event that is very sad and touches everyone’s heart. This movie is simply about a very talented young man who has a burning passion for surfing. His extreme career had gotten to a very high point, high enough to possibly make him crack under the pressure of fame. In this film you get to experience the view point of this young mans family and fans. You dig deep into this historical event in sports and understand everything about this mans life clearer when you watch these competitions, memories, and videos unload onto your television..Image result for kissed by god
  2. Jim and Andy is about the actor Jim Carry and was released 2017. This is a very thrilling film about this actor who had gotten so into his role in a movie he actually became his character! This character of his wasn’t the calmest person, to be exact maybe one of the craziest. Jim Carry had stated something along the lines of “I don’t know what got over me” No one who worked on the movie wanted the backstage footage to be realized knowing how bad Jim had been acting, they thought it could have possibly ruined the movie! If you want to see the backstage footage right now you have the accessibility to this documentary on TV.   Image result for Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond
  3. Won’t You be my Neighbor is a documentary (released 2018) about a show that had streamed in the 1900’s and was starring a man named Fred Rogers who had died (2003) of stomach cancer. This is a film that involves an emotional roller coaster. There are happy, sad, exiting, and even terrifying moments involved with this movie. The first streaming of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was February 19, 1968. Image result for won't you be my neighbor
  4. Three Incidental Strangers is a very recommendable and enjoyable journey through these boys lives. Imagine, Not knowing you had a twin until collage then be the number 1 story all over the US! That seems like a lot already, but it get even crazier when these two separated twins found out they weren’t twins at all. They got a call one day informing them of a triplet. These three identical strangers go on talk shows, newspapers, everything. Enjoy this amazing mericle of three boys who got separated at birth.  Image result for three identical strangers