Uncle Tootsie is an anonymous kid who is willing to answer any questions you have.  There will be a box on the front desk where you can drop off your questions anonymously.

Dear Uncle Tootsie,

At School I am being made fun of by a group of people, because of the way I dress and look.  I do not know what to do or say, can you please help figure out how to fix this problem,

Sincerely,  How Should I look.


Dear How should I look,

I feel that the first thing you should know, is that you should not let anybody tell you that since you might be different than them that they are allowed to bully you.  Second, you should go find a teacher, good friend or parent that can help with this problem.

Best of luck, Uncle Tootsie.


Dear Uncle Tootsie,

I have just joined social media and have started posting onto it.  I love posting and take pictures of everything, I love how social media is safe.  My question is, my parents keep telling me not to and that it is unsafe.  Can you please help me convince them that it is fine.

Sincerely, Addicted To The Media

Dear Addicted To The Media,

I hate to tell you but I agree with your parents.  It is okay to go around and take A COUPLE of pictures, if you think that they are “cool”.  But it is not okay going and taking pictures of everything and everyone around you, it exposes yourself to the rest of the world, along with everyone else around you.

Please be mindful, Uncle Tootsie.