As some of you may or may not know, a boat full of approximately 950 immigrants, according to an immigrant who was saved from the wreck, has capsized in the Mediterranean Sea, about 70 miles away from Libya. 900 immigrants are feared dead. According to investigations and eyewitness accounts, there was a distress call sent to the Italian coast guard, which was received by a merchant ship nearby. Once the merchant ship was appearing to be nearby, all of the immigrants on the boat were going to one side of the boat, which caused it to capsize. Another challenging aspect of pulling those people out of the water is that the seas were rough, and it was in the middle of the night. Also, just this past week, there was another vessel doing the same exact task that disappeared with 400 immigrants on it. According to CNN’s Barbie Nadeau, one thing that the human traffickers do to maximise their income is to put as many people on the boat as possible. Most of those boats are rubber dinghies, but this boat that capsized recently was multiple levels tall, making it easier to move women, children and families. There is a suspicion floating around that this could have been considered as a mass genocide. The suspects, Mohammed Ali Malek and Mahmud Bikhit, two crew members, are accused of manslaughter, and have a court date for Friday.