HR: TED Talk Due dates
Step One (Due Tues. 5/17)
- Chose a topic and write a proposal outlining your interest.
- The Proposal should answer the following: What is the issue, activist, organization? (Give an overview) Why are you interested in the subject?
Step Two (Tues. 5/17- Mon. 5/23)
- Begin research on the topic.
- Each night you should assign yourself homework (Read and take notes on the articles you found during in class research.)
- Begin to select the images that will help illustrate the central points of your talk.
- All notes will be done on noodle tools and shared with Tom and Karyn.
Step Three (Mon. 5/23- Mon. 5/30)
- Begin to write the script for your talk.
- Organize the visuals that will accompany the presentation.
- Make an appointment with Tom and Karyn to rehearse your talk. (Meetings must be scheduled for Mon. 5/30 -Thurs. 6 /2)
- Tom will check on the progress of your notes.
Step Four (Mon. 5/30 -Thurs. 6 /2)
- Each student will meet with Tom and Karyn to present the drafts of their talks.
- At each meeting you will present your script.
- Revise the script and continue to prepare the talk.
- A final review of the talk will be possible on reading day.
Step Five (TBA)
- Students will present the talk during the assigned exam time.
- The final script will be handed before the presentation.