General Tips

I am new at Urban Exploration/exploration in general, but here are some general tips I have picked up so far:

  • GO DURING THE DAY – As tempting as it may seem to visit an abandoned building at night to get more of a creepy, flashlight vibe, it’s generally not safe. You don’t know if anyone/anything is in the building, and this can lead to some scary encounters.
  • GO WITH OTHERS – This connects to the previous tip, it’s simply safety oriented, it is easier for someone to be a target if they are by themselves. It is also just more fun with others, to marvel at the beauty of graffiti-covered buildings, and old doors with someone who shares your passion.
  • WEAR THE RIGHT CLOTHES – This is crucial to make your UrbanEx journeys more enjoyable. No one wants to be walking through muddy woods in a pair of small, thin sneakers. This is also important when considering the weather conditions. Always bring layers.
  • GO WITH THE RIGHT WEATHER – This is completely dependent on where you are going and what kind of experience you want. When I went to a series of abandoned buildings, I went after rainfall to limit the amount of dust in the air. But if you are exploring outside, definetely go on a drier day.
  • GET MORE PHOTOS – Always get more photos than you think you will need. Especially in certain abandoned buildings, lighting isn’t always the best, so try shooting multiple of the same shot.
  • GO QUICKLY, BUT DON’T RUSH – Most Urban Exploration is done in abandoned places on private property. It depends on the place and the amount of security, but try to go quickly if there are people around who work on the property, own it, or are for security reasons. But don’t rush! Try to stay as long as you can to appreciate the details.
  • BE POLITE – If security asks you to leave, just do it. It sucks, but they can most likely take further actions if you don’t listen to them.