Category: Sixth Grade French

le 20 janvier

F6: For tomorrow:/L6: For next Monday:

1.In the textbook, read p. 104 and make sure that you understand it. Then read p. 106 and make a study sheet or notecards for the INTERROGAIVE expressions.

2.Bring your notes tomorrow that you started taking last Friday. I will be checking these.

3. Complete p. 73 in the petit cahier.


I will be giving you all back the paragraphs for a final revision by Friday to be turned in next Tuesday.

le 19 janvier


In the textbook, read p. 104 and complete the comprehension questions at the bottom of the page.

If you did not give me a rough draft of the puppet descriptive paragraph, you must get one to me ASAP.

We will be doing revisions this week.


Revision with new format of the puppet/picture paragraph.

Quiz on body parts and “avoir mal a” tomorrow (postponed from today).


le 14 janvier

L6: Study for the Quiz on Body Parts and how to talk about what is hurting. See yesterday’s assignment in the Grand Cahier for more details.


F6: Make corrections on your paragraphs about the puppets. If you did not get one back today, find me tomorrow to talk about this. If you owe it to me, I need to get it from you before 3:00 on Friday.

I will give back any others that were not handed back today (if you were absent, for example) by then also. I will be in the Computer Lab with Model Congress during Activity Period.

le 13 janvier


1. Revise your paragraph about your animal/doll/picture. Type up your corrected version.

2. Study for the quiz that will be next Tuesday. You will need to know the body parts and how to say that something is hurting   you. The notes from today’s class will help you.

3. Finish p.155 in the Grand Cahier.



Quiz (see above information) tomorrow, and finish p. 155 in the Grand Cahier.

le 12 janvier


Write 8-10 sentences describing a doll, an animal, or a picture using 8-10 body part vocabulary words and different adjectives. 

Follow the structure in the Grand Cahier on page 151. This is due tomorrow. Write this out please.                          


Study for Body Parts quiz on Thursday. Use the “Frankenpierre” picture in the Grand Cahier as a guide.

le 15 decembre

Both 6th grades:

Those of you who were in either the instrumental or chorus rehearsals today during French must come to take the French test during IWP tomorrow! So please study…see previous blogs for the study information.

There will not be any other time to do this.

All other students will not have homework tonight!

le 11 decembre

Look carefully at the blog from le 9 decembre. You should be studying for your test that is on Tuesday of next week.

If you have any questions, you should see me before that time. You can find me in the morning on Monday or during lunch or recess. You will have to let me know in advance.

My email is

le 9 decembre

L6 and F6:

You will have a Unit Test next week on Tuesday.

L6 will practice on Monday, and F6 will practice tomorrow so that you will understand the format.

Homework for BOTH sections:

For tomorrow, F6 should complete the activities on p. 90 in the textbook. Write out all of the activities.

L6: For next Monday, complete ALL of the activities on pages 90 and 91 in the textbook. Write out everything.

See me at IWP today or after school any day if you have questions.

Pages to study are:

Textbook- 74, 75, 77, 78,84, 85, 89.

Grand Cahier-106 and 107.

Topics: How to express what you want, can, should and like to do/verb forms and meanings/etre:meaning and usage/negation (ne + verb+ pas)/professions/places

le 8 decembre

F6: In the Grand Cahier, complete ALL of the activities from F-J. You may need to refer to your texbook for the verb conjugations or the vocabulary.

L6: In the textbook, complete activity 3 on p. 86 and activity 5 on p. 87. Write out full sentences.

le 7 decembre


Finish through exercise J on p. 113 in the Grand Cahier. You may need to use the textbook to look up some vocabulary.