Category: Sixth Grade French

le 24 fevrier

L6 AND F6:

Complete A, D, E and H in the Grand Cahier, beginning on page 201. Read the review material and refer back to the lessons that will help you to complete the work.

You will have a TEST on the Paris packet at the end of next week. Begin to study the map and the sites that are there.

le 23 fevrier


1. Finish A, B, and C in the Paris packet.

2. Find the following sites on the map on the packet and do the following:

a. Name which bank it is located on in Paris (la Rive Droite or la Rive Gauche) ;

b. Write out one fact about the site that you find in the information in the packet.

Le Louvre, La Madeleine, Le Centre Pompidou, L’Arc de Triomphe, Sacre Coeur, Les Invalides, Le Jardin de Luxembourg, Les Champs-Elysees, Les Bois de Boulogne, L’Opera



Finish C in the packet and you may do the above assignment for EXTRA CREDIT.

le 17 fevrier

F6 and L6:

Make sure that you completed pages 71-75 in the Grand Cahier, exercises C,E and G.

For next time, read pages 263-266 in the Paris packet and complete all of exercise A. Be ready to discuss in detail the reading, so pay attention and underline important facts as you are reading.

le 4 fevrier

L6 AND F6:

pp. 77-79 in petit cahier completed by next class.

F6 only:

Email me your proposals regarding your partner choice as well as your video idea. More details soon, but for now, this is all you need to do.

le 2 fevrier

L6: For tomorrow, fiish p. 99, act 11 and p. 103, act. 5 in the textbook. 

Write it out OR if you type it you MUST have it printed out when you come into the class or it will be counted as a late.


F6: Ethan and Alessandro will present their lessons.

Alessandro: send me an email with your plan because you didn’t speak to me in IWP!

Complete p. 97, act.7 and p. 99, act. 11 in the textbook.

le 28 janvier


Be ready for a quiz on conjugations and negation. See blog from yesterday for L6 for more details!

ALL owed work due to absences or lateness must be in by tomorrow or is will be counted as a zero!


L6: See yesterday’s blog.

le 27 janvier


Complete page 71 in the petit cahier. Continue to study the information below for another quiz. I will drop today’s quiz grade if it is lower than next week’s grade.



1. Complete page 71 in the petit cahier.

2. Study the conjugation of the -ER verbs that we have been learning as well as the negation. Be ready for a quiz at any time next week!

Ex: Conjugation:

Je danse        Nous dansons

Tu danses      Vous dansez

Il/Elle danse   Ils/Elles dansent


Je ne danse pas.

le 25 janvier


Make corrections on page 73 in the petit cahier. Look at today’s notes.

Also, be ready for a possible short quiz on conjugation of -ER verbs, such as DANSER, PARLER and CHANTER.

Negation is also to be reviewed. (Je ne danse pas/Je n’ecoute pas)