Category: Sixth Grade French

le 13 avril


Hand in your Spring Break picture with the infinitives and the sentences that you began writing today.

You need to include: WHAT you are doing, WHERE you are (dans un cafe, sur la montagne etc.), And WHOM you are with in each sentence.

Example: Je fais une promenade au parc avec mon amie.


Bring in a picture of an activity/event/day during your Spring Break.

Write a list of 8-10 verbs in the INFINITIVE form that indicate what is happening and what YOU are doing.

Example: danser, parler, dormir, etc.

All of the actions do not have to be really obvious in that one snapshot, but you would NOT be snowboarding at the beach!

BY THURSDAY: Put your reflection in the Advisory folder.

Discuss a strength, a challenge, your approach to doing something about this area, a favorite activity, and a goal.

Also, include your Unit Test and your script in your folder. Any other assignments are additional to these two.

I will check to see that they are there by Thursday afternoon during Advisory Period.

le 12 avril


1.Complete the homework from Wednesday if you did not bring it to class today. See  last week’s blog for details.

2. Do activity 10, p. 110, in the textbook.

le 7 avril


1. Complete the multiple choice packet for tomorrow, and be ready to go over the answers in class.

2. Bring in a picture from a “scene” that reflects an aspect of your Spring Break.


1. Complete the multiple choice packet.

2. Bring in a picture from a “scene” that reflects an aspect of your Spring Break. 

     Have a written list of  8-10 verbs in the infinitive form that indicate the actions that are taking place at that time.

le 17 mars


All videos and scripts that were not presented today must be shared tomorrow! I am looking forward to it. A demain.


le 10 mars


Video Project deadlines: 

1. email me your topic no later than 8 PM tonight at:

2. For tomorrow, show me your 10 verb infinitives AND the 3 conjugations of each one (tu, vous and nous form in the IMPERATIVE tense that we discussed in class today). 

You can email them to me NO LATER than 4 PM or show them to me during lunch or recess. You will have to find me!

3. By Friday at noon, show me your French list of vocabulary needed for your skit. See yesterday’s blog for clarification.

4. First draft of dialogue is due at the beginning of class on Monday, so this is your weekend homework.


Verbs and vocabulary due tomorrow at the beginning of the class.

le 9 mars


Come to class prepared with your 10 verb infinitives, all 3 forms of the Imperative for each verb (see today’s class notes that you wrote down) and be ready to add vocabulary tomorrow. Think about the items that you will be using for your “task” (spoons, plates, ingredients, sports equipment, etc.) and you will use dictionaries to work on the French version.



Textbook: Finish activities 9 and 10 on p. 110, and bring owed work from today if you need to complete it.

le 8 mars


In the textbook, complete complete activities 4 and 5 on p. 115. Finish p. 112 if you did not do it all in class today.

le 3 mars

L6 and F6:

L6 will have the test in my classroom during recess. You will need to come to see me as soon as recess begins.

F6: the test will be during your class.

Paris Culture Test tomorrow. You will need to be able to identify the following places on the map:

L’Arc de Triomphe/La Place de L’Etoile            Les Tuileries

La Place de la Concorde                                          Le Pont Neuf

Le Centre Pompidou                                                  La Madeleine

Le Jardin de Luxembourg                                         L’Ile de la Cite

La Tour Eiffel                                                                La Sainte Chapelle

L’Opera                                                                           La Sorbonne                                                          

Sacre Coeur                                                                     Notre Dame

Les Invalides                                                                   Le Louvre


You need to identify them, say which Rive they are on (Droite ou Gauche), and give one fact.

le 1 mars

L6 and F6:

Come to class prepared with the homework from the last Blog Entry.

F6: Bring a number 2 pencil for a special activity. Be ready to start on time!

le 25 fevrier

F6 and L6:

1. In the Grand Cahier, do page 204, act.B and all of page 207.

2. Study the Paris packet facts as well as the map for an upcoming test in a week.