le 31 mars

Write an entry in your “journal” in response to the following questions. (We will begin the past tense next week and will revise these entries from the present tense to the past tense at that time.)  This is due on Thursday.  1. Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour les vacances?     2. Ou vas-tu?     3. A qui est-ce que tu  rends visite?     4. Quelle est une activite speciale que tu fais?      5. Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas pendant les vacances?    You may look up individual words that are here or that you would like to put into your entry. However, I expect you to use the verbs that are in the questions when you are writing your paragraph and I will not accept any complex sentences in tenses that we have not yet studied. Translations will be given right back and will not be allowed to count for this assignment. This must be at your level and reflect time and thoughtfulness.      

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