le 12 novembre

Please remember that you are responsible for all homework that is assigned during the class each day. There may be times when the work is not all here, but you should check every day for back-up and details, especially if you are out for the day.

*For tomorrow, mardi, le 13 novembre, for Lynne’s class, you need to have the rough draft
of all of your sentences for the Family Tree project. This should be typed and ready as
soon as you walk into the classroom. Do not come with a USB or an email to open! Have it
ready to work on.
*We will begin putting the project onto the poster paper after I look at your work and you
make corrections.

For Frank’s class, have your pictures ready. We will begin the introduction to the writing steps tomorrow. Bring workbook (petit cahier) and textbook so that we can go over work from the last class.

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