le 28 fevrier

Project info:

You need to answer these questions in your project write-up, which will be at least 5 paragraphs long, in English.

There will be French questions to answer after this is completed. A rough draft is due on Thursday of this week, including a bibliography of the sources that you used.

The visual part is due next Monday, so use your time wisely as you plan this out.

1. What is the name of your topic?

2. What is the history about your project?

If it is a place, when was it built? What was it/is it used for?

For a person, what are the significant dates in his/her life?

If it is a type of art, music, dance, invention, etc., what are the important dates in the process?

3. What is this topic’s impact/connection with or on Paris in the past?

4. What is its importance today?

5. What do you think is the most interesting aspect of thist opic?

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