le 12 novembre
Please be sure to write down homework assignments in class when they are assigned. This is for back-up purposes and details, and to help you if you are out for the day.
If something is assigned and is not here for some reason, you are still responsible for the work!!!
Projects are underway and you should be finishing the draft today. The final rough draft was assigned and worked on in class last Thursday. 5 points will be taken off each day that this is late after today. We are going to film at the end of this week.
You should have your hand-outs available, but if not, here are the important points that need to be covered:
1. Where you are going using the verb ALLER and the definite article “a” (p. 208 in text).
2. Short, uncomplicated directions from the subway or point of departure.
3. Description of the place using adjectives.
4. How you feel about this place. Why? Should others visit it? What do you do here?
5. Sign off in a French manner.
Un Ete for tomorrow, le 13 novembre: finish A and B and have 10 vocabulary words picked out and defined.