Category: Progress Reports

Some summer thoughts . . .

Dear Families,

Fourth quarter progress reports are about to go out. A reminder that these reports include written comments from students on their work this year in each of their classes. We think it fitting that each student’s voice find it’s way into her/his final report. I must say that it was a great pleasure reading through all of these reports. The students’ reflections were thoughtful, honest, and focused on growth.

Many of you have asked about the supply letters. For those of you who want to get a jump on things, a link to the letter is below. You can also find links to the summer assignments.

Middle School Supplemental Reading List
Middle School Supply Lists
2008-2009 LREI Calendar
Eighth Grade:
Summer Reading Assignment and Reading List
Summer Math Assignment
Seventh Grade:
Summer Reading Assignment and Reading List
Summer Math Assignment
Williamsburg Trip Registration Form
Sixth Grade:
Summer Reading Assignment and Reading List
Summer Math Assignment
Fifth Grade:

Summer Reading Assignment and Reading List

A reminder that the first day of school is Thursday, September 4th. We will be modifying the structure of this day to allow for every family to meet with their child’s advisor. I will send more information in August explaining how to sign-up for this meeting.

In the meantime, I hope that you all have a most excellent summer!

Be well,