Category: Progress Reports

On reflection . . .

Dear Families:

I must confess that it was something of a shock when May rolled around and the end of the year began to take shape in front of us. While we are just shy of a month left in the year, there is still much to do. Each of the grades has significant culminating projects on which they are working that they will share with you at our year-end potlucks. In addition to this work, students are just beginning the process of reflecting on the year in each of their classes and working with their teachers to fashion these reflections into formal comments that will be part of the fourth quarter progress reports. This represents a new component to the progress reports and one that I think fits well with our progressive ideals. Progress reports are not simply something that happens to a student; they are a reflection of a yearlong relationship between student, teacher, and the subject. By adding the student’s voice to this document, we hope that it will help them to take greater ownership of their successes and of their challenges. As part of this process, students have been asked to explore a range of questions about their work this year. A sampling of these questions follows:

  • Discuss the work you completed this quarter, in terms of process and product.

  • Reflect upon your participation in group work and in-class discussions.

  • Assess your homework in terms of depth, completion, and timeliness.

  • Look back over the entire year and reflect upon how you and your learning process have changed.

  • Think about all the work you’ve done in class this year. What strengths emerge from this work? Why do you think that this is the case?

  • In what ways has your work improved this year? Describe the differences you see between the beginning of the year and now.

  • What areas still need work? How do you plan to work on them next year?

  • What ways do you learn best? Select 1 or 2 pieces of work that you did this year of which you are particularly proud—could be a piece of writing, a class comment, a response, a project. What do you think these items show about you as a learner? What have you discovered about yourself as a learner this year?

  • Think about all the work that you’ve done this year in class. Did you develop any new areas of strength? What are they? What was most helpful to your growth as a learner?

  • What areas do you still need to work on improving? What strategies will you use next year to do so? How can your teachers and families be helpful? (Do not say, “Work harder”—instead, describe what that looks like for you to be doing it.).

  • Are you satisfied with your effort this year? Explain.

  • Comment on the quality and organization of your work.

  • What will you work on next year to better your experience and performance in class? How can I help?

  • Are you satisfied with the quality of your homework? Why or why not? What would you change and why?

  • Think about your note taking and our most recent notebook check. Comment on your organization and thoroughness. (Would your notes be legible, clear, and understandable to other readers? Could an absent student use your notes to get a clear idea of what he/she missed?)

  • Comment on your class participation (listening, questioning, offering ideas, etc.).

  • What new skills did you learn? What progress did you make on previously learned skills? Explain.

  • Look at the list of projects at the back of this handout and choose one that you felt you did your best work. a. Why do you think this project represented your best work? b. What is one thing you did in this project that helped you do so well?

  • Choose one project that you felt you did not do your best work. a. Which aspects of this project were not your best? b. Why do you think you did not do as well in this project? c. What could you have done differently to improve your performance in this project?

  • Your middle school years have been something of an adventure. A part of that story is coming to a close as new stories begin to unfold. Take a moment to examine the diagram below and consider and how it can be used as a lens to reflect on your experience in the middle school. In the spaces below and in whatever form is comfortable for you (e.g., poetry, narrative, lists, etc.), see if you can capture some of your thoughts about your middle school years as you begin to think about moving up.



All of the above are deep and thoughtful questions that push students to reflect on the meaning and purpose of their learning. Along with the discrete knowledge and skills acquired over the course of the year, the ability to find meaning in their own learning experience is crucial goal for all Middle School students. It is a worthy goal in that it calls on students to see the larger context within which they will use their knowledge and skills.

On the subject of reflection, I would be remiss if I did not offer my hearty congratulations to all of the students who were involved in this year’s Middle School Musical “High School Musical.” It was an incredibly wonderful performance. Thanks also to director Julia Collura and Stephen Volkmann for guiding the students through this demanding adventure.

I would also like to thank this year’s Middle School Parent Representatives for their hard work on your behalf in helping to make the Middle School the vibrant learning community that it is. If you are interested in continuing as a rep next year or would like to volunteer to serve as rep for the 2007-2008 school year, please let Kasey Picayo know. You can email Kasey at


This Week’s Attachments
(Click on the links below to open the attachments. If you are having trouble opening the links, go to to access the files.

Diversity Dialog Flyer
AIDS Walk NY Information Guide
Parents in Action Flyer
Book Sale Pre-Authorization Form
Spring Community Service Calendar
Eighth Grade:

Seventh Grade:
Sixth Grade:
Fifth Grade:

Of General Interest . . .

1) The Diversity Dialogue Continues: The topic will be socio-economic diversity. The Parent’s Association invites you to join Sharon Dupree who will facilitate a conversation on this topic in the Sixth Ave cafeteria this Friday, May 18th at 8:45AM. All are welcome.

2) This Saturday evening is the last Coffeehouse of the year. This Special Coffeehouse is sponsored by our very own Lit Mag “I.E.” Come to the PAC at 40 Charlton Street on Saturday, May 19th at 7PM to hear great readings from I.E. and awesome musical performances. Come hear our students at their best!

2) A reminder that this Sunday is AIDS Walk NY. If you and/or your child is/are registered to walk, please read the attached AIDS Walk NY Information Guide. Is it too late to join the team? No! If you or family members or friends would like to walk, you can register with Gabrielle Keller or you can register online at any time between now and Sunday. LREI’s team number is 1222. You can make your own sponsor sheets or pick up one at the Sixth Ave/Charlton Street reception areas. You can also sign-up on the day of the walk at our team table and raise money after the walk. Thank you for joining the LREI AIDS Walk team! Every step brings us closer to a cure. If you have any questions, you can contact Gabrielle at 212-477-5316 (ext.260) or See you Sunday!

3) Mark your calendars: the Middle School Awards Night will be held on Monday, May 21st in the Charlton Street PAC at 6:00PM. This is a wonderful evening where all students who participated in extracurricular activities (sports teams, drama/musical, chorus, band, robotics, Model Congress, Robo-Expo, Rube Goldberg) this year are recognized.

4) A reminder that the spring Book Sale will take place on Thursday, May 24th. This is a great opportunity to buy titles from our summer reading lists. As most middle schoolers will go to the Book Sale during the day, you can use the attached form to pre-authorize purchases for your child. Please feel free to review the summer reading lists to get ideas about possible books to read and to buy at the Book Sale. Not all of the titles on the reading lists will be available. Also, please note that the summer writing assignments posted on the website reflect last year’s assignments. There will likely be some revisions to these assignments. I will let you know when the new assignments are posted.

5) Please join our music department choruses and instrumentalists at the LREI Spring Concert Thursday, May 24th, from 6:30PM until 8:00PM, in the PAC on Charlton Street. The concert is free.

This grand culminating event for the performing arts this year includes singers and instrumentalists from all three divisions. The Little Red Chorus (Lower School) directed by Helen Yoo, The Little Red Singers (Middle School) directed by Henry Chapin, The Elizabeth Irwin Singers (High School) directed by Sunny Kim and The High School Jazz Band directed by Vin Scialla will all perform. The concert will conclude with a grand finale: All choruses and jazz band players will join forces to perform “Des Colores,” LREI’s 2007 anthem-like favorite, which has been sung at various assemblies this year, including Founder’s Day. This concert is for the entire LREI community, including families of students who are not participating currently in school ensembles. Come out and support our music department, and hear a splendid concert of magnificent choral and instrumental music.

6) On Friday, May 25th, we will hold our annual Field Day at Pier 40. This is a wonderful school event in which students from all three divisions will have the opportunity to participate in a fun-filled day of recreational activities. Students will spend the first part of the day in activities with their buddies. The younger lower school classes will return to the school after this while the third through twelfth grades will participate in a variety of activities in mixed age groups. Students will need to bring their own lunch along with a container of water. (No nuts or seeds, please.) Plastic bottles are fine, but please no glass containers! Clothing should be comfortable and easy to move in, shorts or sweatpants and athletic shoes. No sandals. Sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat are strongly recommended. Finally, it is very important for students to arrive at school on time, by 8:15AM. We will return to school in time for 1:00PM dismissal. Thank you for your cooperation. We’re looking forward to an exciting day!

7) Our annual math department sponsored 24 Tournament is scheduled for Wednesday, May 30th, and Thursday, May 31st. Both preliminary rounds will take place in the cafeteria and will get underway at 7:45AM. The finals will take place the following Wednesday, June 6th at Middle School Meeting.

8) From Middle School librarian Jennifer Hubert: The library will be converting to a new computer catalog towards the end of June. You may have noticed that the library catalog can no longer be accessed through your computers, or any computer in the school. This is because the software (Winnebago) we currently have is incompatible with the newer Macs. The new system (Follett) is far superior to the product we have now, and will enable parents, faculty, students and staff to view our holdings via the Internet and link directly to websites from subject headings. We are extremely excited about the conversion upgrade because it will provide the entire LREI community with much improved library services that will greatly enhance all aspects of the reading and research process. While we hope to make this transition as painless as possible for everyone involved, it will require some level of cooperation from the whole school community. Because of the upcoming conversion, it is more important than ever that all LREI library books be returned to both libraries by Friday, June 1st. Like past years, we will be closing to circulation on this day, which means that while we will continue to check materials in, we will no longer check any more materials out. Please look through your child’s bookshelves at home, through closets and under beds for any stray LREI library books. We will be sending home overdue slips as usual, and please let me know if there are any errors on your child’s slip. Thanks for your patience, and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this process.

9) The LREI Camping Trip is a decade-old, parent-organized tradition that will take place this year during the weekend of June 1-3. You can signup for the trip in the Sixth Avenue Lobby on Friday, May 4th, and Wednesday, May 16. Typically, 50 to 80 campers head to a beautiful site near the Delaware Water Gap for one or two nights of camping, hiking, fishing, swimming, and games. For more information, visit the LREI website and/or click here to view the event poster.

10) For updates on faculty performances, openings, presentations, and publications visit the Faculty in the News page on the school web site.

11) LREI is a member of NYC-Parents in Action (NYC-PIA). NYC-PIA provides parenting education, information and a communications network to help parents prepare their children and teenagers to cope with social pressures and to make sound choices towards a future free of alcohol and drug abuse. Please read the attached flyer to view their 2006-2007 calendar. You can also access their on-line calendar of events at

For Eighth Grade Families . . . .
1) The Eighth Grade is scheduled to depart DC at 1:30PM with an expected return time between 5:30-6:30PM. Please call reception for updates on their arrival.

2) Mark your calendar: Eighth Grade Pre-Moving Up Party, Friday, June 8, 2007 at 40 Charlton Street, PAC. Please arrive by 6:00PM for the Potluck Dinner and Recognition Program, which will be followed by dancing until 9:00PM.

3) The Moving Up Assembly will take place on Tuesday, June 12th, in the Sixth Avenue auditorium. The assembly will start promptly at 9:00AM and will run until about 10:30AM. Given space constraints we ask that only immediate family members attend (that being said, if there are extenuating circumstances please contact me directly). Immediately following the assembly, the eighth graders will return to their classroom, while parents will exit out the Bleecker Street doors and gather by the steps in front of Sarah’s classroom. The rest of the middle school community will exit the building from the Sixth Avenue side and then join families by the steps. When all are assembled, the eighth graders will receive their certificates and process one-by-one down the steps.

For Seventh Grade Families . . .
1) This Friday, May 18th, the seventh grade will spend the morning at the high school. They will start with a panel discussion that will provide an overview of the high school experience and then they will visit a variety of classes in small groups. The morning concludes with a conversation wit current ninth graders about the transition to high school and how to make the most of their eighth grade year. It looks to be an exciting day.

2) The seventh grade potluck breakfast and Constitution Works event will take place on Thursday, June 7th. The breakfast will begin at 8:00AM in the seventh grade classrooms. Following the potluck, we will leave for Constitution Works at 9:15AM, which will be conducted at the federal courthouse downtown. Parents are encouraged to attend this exciting event. Your parent reps will be in touch with you about the potluck breakfast.

For Sixth Grade Families . . .
1) On Wednesday, May 23, the Sixth Grade will visit Carnegie Hall for a LinkUP! concert. The concert is scheduled for 10:15AM. Students should bring a bag lunch (no nuts, seeds or glass bottles) to school that day.

2) The annual sixth grade poetry and potluck breakfast will take place on Tuesday, June 5th at 8:00AM in the cafeteria. Your parent reps will be in touch with you about the potluck breakfast.

For Fifth Grade Families . . .
1) Our annual Grecian Festival will take place on the evening of Wednesday, June 6th at 6:30PM in the Sixth Avenue auditorium, to be followed by the fifth grade potluck in the Sixth Avenue cafeteria. Your class reps will be contacting you about the potluck.

Middle School Sports
Schedules, permission forms and general information about Middle School sports programs can be found at Information is also available through the LREI Sports Hotline at 212.477.5316 x 494.

In order to make sure that you receive timely notifications about changes to the practice or game schedules, we have created an email list that we will be using to provide these updates. If you child participates on an LREI sports team, we ask that you go to where you will be able to subscribe to the list. The instructions are posted on this page.

Looking Ahead . . .
On the LREI web site additional information about upcoming events can be found at (the Middle School events page can be found at

  • Friday, May 18, 2007 — Seventh Grade HS Visiting Day
  • Saturday, May 19, 2007, 7:00PM — Literary Magazine Coffeehouse
  • Sunday, May 20, 2007 – AIDS Walk New York
  • Monday, May 21, 2007, 6:00PM — MS Awards Night
  • Tuesday, May 22, 2007, 1:00PM — Middle School Chorus to Hudson Guild
  • Wednesday, May 23, 2007 — Sixth Grade to Carnegie Hall
  • Thursday, May 24, 2007 — Spring Book Sale
  • Thursday, May 24, 2007 — Spring Concert
  • Friday, May 25, 2007 — Field Day
  • Friday, May 25, 2007 — Memorial Day Weekend-School closes at 1:00PM (school reopens on Tuesday, May 29, 2006)
  • Tuesday, June 5, 2007, 8:00AM — Sixth Grade Potluck & Poetry Breakfast
  • Wednesday, June 6, 2007, 6:00PM — Fifth Grade Grecian Festival & Potluck
  • Thursday, June 7, 2007, 8:00AM — Seventh Grade Potluck Breakfast and Constitution Works
  • Friday, June 8, 2007 — High School Graduation (regular dismissal for MS)
  • Friday, June 8, 2007 — MS End of 4th Quarter
  • Friday, June 8, 2007, 6:00PM — Eighth Grade Pre-Moving Up Party
  • Monday, June 11, 2007, 6:00PM — MS Dance
  • Tuesday, June 12, 2007, 9:00AM — Eighth Grade Moving Up
  • Tuesday, June 12, 2007 — Last Day of School, School closes at 12:00PM for all Divisions

Don’t forget to check the LREI website for updates and interesting information –

Be well,