Strengthening Foundations and Building Bridges

Dear Families:

Since last week’s email there have been a number of developments related to hiring that I would like to share with you. It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that 6th Grade Core teacher Jeff Mihok will be moving to the English department of the high school next year. Having contributed so much to the middle school program, I know that Jeff will be an excellent addition to our already strong high school faculty. This is an exciting opportunity for Jeff and a transition that I hope will further strengthen the existing bridges between the middle school and the high school.

I’m excited to report that Lynne Cataffi, current 8th Grade Core teacher, will move to 6th Grade. Lynne’s passionate commitment to literacy and historical inquiry will allow us to continue to develop the rich 6th Grade curriculum that Jeff and Jennifer have so thoughtfully developed. Geoff LoConte who is currently the associate teacher in Erin’s 4th Grade class will join Lynne in 6th Grade. Through his work as a middle school coach, Geoff has developed excellent working relationships with the middle school students and is excited to join our team. He will be a friendly and familiar face to next year’s 5th Grade class as they make the transition from lower school to middle school.

We have also hired a new 8th Grade Core teacher and a middle school music teacher. Next week’s email will have brief profiles of our new faculty members. Our search for a 6-8 PE teacher is still on-going, but we have a number of promising candidates.

I am very excited about the results of our hiring efforts and want to thank the members of the middle school faculty who worked so diligently throughout this process.

This Week’s Attachments
(Click on the links below to open the attachments. If you are having trouble opening the links, go to to access the files.)

8th Grade:
DC Trip Forms
7th Grade:
6th Grade:
5th Grade:

Of General Interest . . .
1) Approximately 250 middle school students from 20 area schools met at Packer for this year’s Model Congress. LREI was represented by 5th graders Ama, Mari, and Malina and 7th graders Nick and Jonathan. The following students were not able to attend the culminating event, but contributed to the work of the group in their weekly meetings: Jake (5th Grade), Zoe S. (6th Grade), Ben (6th Grade), and Harry (7th Grade). The event was a culmination of two quarter’s worth of work during which students researched issues and then developed their own bills based on an issue of interest. Model Congress works like the real Congress, with a large slate of Committee sessions and full House or Senate sessions after the Committee work. All participants presented and debated their bills in Committee, which were chaired by upper school students from Packer as well as some of the participating schools. Some of those bills that were passed in Committee were then presented at the House or Senate session at the end of the day. It was a fantastic experience and a very exciting day for all. Special thanks to faculty coordinator Sharyn Hahn for supporting our students in this work.

2) This Saturday, members of the LREI Robotics team and others will participate in a Robotics Expo at the Nightingale/Bamford School. Planning to participate in the event are 5th graders Cameron, Robbie, Zaran, Tariye, Talia, and Malina and 6th Graders Noah, Damien, Aaron, and Ben. At the Expo, students will have the opportunity to share their robotics projects with other independent school students. This will be a smaller scale event than the FIRST Lego League competition, but equally rich in opportunities for learning. The goal of the Expo is for students to celebrate what they have done by either exhibiting their robotic inventions and/or by participating in one or more robotic challenges – line following, obstacle avoiding, and artistic expression.

3) It’s that time again and the kids are ready! Next Tuesday and Wednesday (May 3rd & 4th) will be the annual 24 Math Challenge. The event will be held from 8-8:30AM in the Big Room. Participants will be advised on Monday which day they should attend, depending on the level at which they have chosen to compete. The students have signed up for competition in the single digit, double digit and *new* integer versions of the game (7th and 8th graders only). This year, some third and fourth graders were eager to join in the challenge and will be competing at the single-digit level. Finals will be held during middle school meetings and we will keep you posted about the results. You are welcome to come and support your children and be confounded by their talents. For those not familiar with the game, here is a sample problem (2, 2, 8, 9). Ask your child about the rules of the game.

4) Next week, on Tuesday May 3rd, LREI welcomes back William Ayers, Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Bill Ayers has written extensively about social justice, democracy and the political and cultural contexts of schooling. He will meet with students, visit classes and conduct a faculty workshop. A reception will be sponsored by The Parents Association at 8:45 AM in the 6th Avenue cafeteria. For more about Bill Ayers and about educating for democracy and social justice at LREI, please see Nick O’Han’s message at

5) Opening night of Alice in Wonderland, the MIDDLE SCHOOL MUSICAL, is coming up and that can mean only one thing — it’s time to BAKE something for the CONCESSION STAND! There are three performances: Friday, May 6 at 7pm, and Saturday, May 7 at 2pm and 7pm. We need goodies delivered to Charlton Street before curtain for each show. We also need STUDENT and PARENT VOLUNTEERS to help sell just before curtain and during intermission. Here’s some ideas of what you can bake/buy/package to help out: cookies, cupcakes, brownies, donuts, muffins, baby carrots, popcorn, pretzels, or even some of the Queen of Hearts’ strawberry tarts (please, no foods containing nuts/seeds). Please reply to Jodi and Lili to let them know what goodies you will bring and if you can volunteer to work the concession stand, and for which performances. Proceeds from the concession stand help support the school’s drama programs. Thank you! Jodi Balsam ( and (

6) From Dean of Co-Curricular Program Gabrielle Keller: The Aids Walk is Sunday, May 15th, which is just around the corner! I need to have a pretty good count of people doing the walk by May 4th, although you can register after that. If you registered/walked last year, just email me at and I’ll re-register you. If you would like to sign up for the first time, email me and I’ll contact you about the information I’ll need to register you. I’m looking forward to another successful walk this year. I hope you’ll join us. IF YOU’RE NOT PLANNING ON WALKING, GO ONLINE TO AND SPONSOR ONE OR MORE LREI COMMUNITY MEMBERS!

For 8th Grade Families . . .
1) This week, 8th grade Adolescent Issues classes began discussions of puberty and sexuality. Discussions will take place in both coed and single sex groups. Please feel free to email Phil if you have questions.

2) Mark your calendars: An informational meeting for parents about the 8th Grade trip to Washington, D.C. will take place on Tuesday, May 3rd in Lynne’s room from 6:00-6:30PM. If you have not submitted permission forms or payment, please download the attached form, which contains an updated itinerary.

For 7th Grade Families . . .
1) This week, 7th grade Adolescent Issues classes began discussions of puberty and sexuality. Discussions will take place in both coed and single sex groups. Please feel free to email Phil if you have questions.

For 6th Grade Families . . .
1) The 5th/6th grade intramural softball league is underway. Practices/games take place at J.J. Walker Field on Hudson Street behind Carmine Street Gym at 7:15AM on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

For 5th Grade Families . . .
1) The 5th/6th grade intramural softball league is underway. Practices/games take place at J.J. Walker Field on Hudson Street behind Carmine Street Gym at 7:15AM on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

Looking Ahead . . .
On the LREI web site additional information about upcoming events can be found at (the middle school events page can be found at

  • Monday, May 2nd, 8:00AM — Dev. Comm. Mtg.
  • Tuesday, May 3rd, 8:00AM — Sports Comm. Mtg.
  • Wednesday, May 4th — Big Auction
  • Thursday, May 5th, 8:00AM — Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance Mtg.
  • Friday, May 6th, 7:00PM — Middle School Musical
  • Saturday, May 7th, 2:00PM & 7:00PM — Middle School Musical
  • Monday, May 9th, 9:00AM — Comm.Serv.Mtg.
  • Tuesday, May 10th – Friday, May 13th — 8th Gr Trip to Washington, DC
  • Tuesday, May 10th, 8:45AM — PA Exec. Bd. Mtg., 6th Ave. caf
  • Wednesday, May 1oth, 5:00PM — HR Comm. Mtg.
  • Saturday, May 14th, 7:00PM — Coffeehouse, ChSt. PAC
  • Sunday, May 15th — AIDS Walk
  • Monday, May 16th, 5:30PM — Edu. Comm. Mtg.
  • Tuesday, May 17th, 8:15AM — MS Parent Rep Mtg.
  • Tuesday, May 17th, 6:30PM— MS Sports Awards
  • Thursday, May 19th, 6:30PM — Spring Chorus Concert
  • Friday, May 20th, 8:30AM — Multicultural Comm. Mtg.
  • Friday, May 20th, 8:30AM — Lit.Comm.Mtg.
  • Thursday, May 26th, 8:45AM — PA Exec. Bd. Mtg. w/Phil 6th Ave. caf.
  • Friday, May 27th — Field Day (School closes at 1PM)
  • Monday, May 30th — Memorial Day – school closed
  • Wednesday, June 1st — Senior Projects Evening
  • Thursday, June 2nd, 8:00AM — Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance Mtg.
  • Thursday, June 2nd — 5th gr. Expo & Potluck
  • Friday, June 3rd — LREI Camping Trip thru 6th
  • Tuesday, June 7th, 8:00AM — 6th gr. Potluck & Poetry Breakfast
  • Tuesday, June 7th, 8:00AM — Sports Comm. Mtg.
  • Tuesday, June 7th, 6:30PM — Aft. Enrichment Share Day
  • Wednesday, June 8th, 6:30PM — Aft. Instrumental Concert, PAS
  • Thursday, June 9th — 7th gr. Potluck Breakfast
  • Friday, June 10th — High School Graduation – school closes at noon for LS(4s-1st gr 11:45)
  • Monday, June 13th, 7:00PM — MS Dance, ChSt.PAC
  • Monday, June 13th, 7:00PM — PA Thank You Party
  • Tuesday, June 14th — MS Moving Up
  • Tuesday, June 14th — Last Day of School – school closes at noon for all divisions (4s-1st gr 11:45)

Don’t forget to check the LREI website for updates and interesting information –

Be well,

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