A Literary Respite

Dear Middle School Families,

Students have been serious and focused during this week’s ERB administration. Truth be told, I think they like the three-day break from our regular demanding collaborative, inquiry-based and hands-on work, which was on hold while they sat quietly in rows, contemplated each question and carefully filled in the bubbles on their answer sheet. That said, we did reward ourselves on Wednesday afternoon with our annual Literary Festival during which students participated in a range of exciting workshops. This year’s menu of offerings included the following:

Book of Secrets! (with Melissa and Robin) — Historically, books have been used as a hiding place–holding secrets, memories, charms, treasures, etc. Examples of books exist with secret compartments cut away for keeping jewelry and other treasures away from sight. This bookmaking and collage workshop uses small matchboxes as drawers to tuck away your secrets. You can create a Book of Secrets for a literary or historical character, or create a book that holds your own secrets.

Found Poetry (with Heather) — Explore the streets of New York and find the poetry that is there everyday. Heather will lead participants on a poetry-finding adventure!

Who the Heck Are You?! (with Dennis Kitchen) — A perennial favorite! Ever wonder who that person is you see wandering around the building? You know they work here, but you’re not quite sure what they do. In this workshop, you’ll be outfitted with a camera and you’ll hunt these people down, snap their picture and then interview them. Dennis Kitchen will share interviewing techniques and help you create a fascinating bio on that person you think you know, but not really….

Picture Books and Children’s Literature (with Matthew and Michelle) — Matthew Rosen, former editor, will talk about writing and constructing picture books. You will have the opportunity to create their own picture-book dummies, and you’ll lay out text, add illustrations, and format their dummies accordingly. This is lots of fun, so don’t miss out.

Song writing for Bass and Guitar players (with Steve) — In this workshop, we will look at and compare styles of songwriting as it pertains to lyrics and chord structure. We will also explore how to integrate melodies into bass lines and create interesting chord progressions for instrumental pieces.

Speedy Book Talk Writing (with Jennifer) — Write a book talk using only the first chapter of the book! Amaze your friends! Astound your parents! Become the envy of everyone on your block! Learn all the tricks of the book talk trade from your friendly neighborhood librarian. Bring a pencil and your own bad self.

Designing a Superhero! (with Frank and Larry) — In this workshop you will get the chance to create a superhero based on original images drawn by an illustrator. You will create a character’s history, decide on his or her superpowers and much more!

Poetry From Images (with Eizabeth) — Do you have a favorite picture, maybe one that you took on vacation, with your best friend, of your favorite pet…? Believe it or not, there’s a poem in that image. Many writers use images to inspire their writing. In this workshop, Elizabeth will teach you how this is done. You will write your own poem and then you’ll decorate your finished piece, putting all your creativity to work in this fun workshop.

Aristotle is Child’s Play – Writing and Acting (with Bobby and Momii) — Aristotle once said, “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” In a play, a character may act sad, but why? Is it because of a broken heart or a bad grade? In this workshop, you will explore playwriting and its Aristotelian structure. Objection, discovery, reversal, tactic, and obstacle are some of the terms we will explore. You will write and act our your own scenes. You will begin by reading a script, understanding its structure, and identifying terminology. This workshop will utilize both acting and creative writing skills.

The Gossip Column (with Gabrielle and John Timpane) — Do you crave the latest news about Ke$ha and Beyonce? Do you want to know everything Justin Beiber is up to and what Miley Cyrus is wearing to the Grammeys? How would you like to be the person who writes about these celebrities? John Timpane is the gossip columnist for The Philadelphia Enquierer (and he’s also Gaby’s brother-in-law!) and he’ll teach you how it’s done. Bring your love of writing and gossip to this workshop.

Meditation (with Heather) — You just took the ERBs all week – what better time is there to relax, and get yourself focused and centered? Heather will lead you in a guided meditation.

Striking Viking Story Troupe — In this interactive workshop, you’ll work with members of the Striking Viking Story Pirates theater troupe. They’ll guide you through a dynamic process in which individuals and small groups will write and act out stories. After the workshop, the Story Pirates will take these ideas back to their secret headquarters/laboratory, and several weeks later, they will return for Middle School meeting with newly-built puppets, props, and a brand new sketch comedy show, including some new stories written by participants in the workshops.

Prose Poem Workshop (with Thanhha Lai) — The saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” But what if you could use a few words to describe something that usually would take a thousand words. You will write a crisp poem that encapsulates a wealth of feelings, a range of senses with this published children’s author. What do you want most but can’t have? What would it be like to get it? Your best moment from last summer? Any topic will do. You’ll use as few words as possible, yet you will make readers feel like they’ve read chapters.

Truly, a rich selection of literary treats.

Of General Interest . . .

1) Sports Committee: Ready for some indoor fun on a chilly afternoon? Our basketball teams are RED HOT! So warm up with friends and come to one of our exciting home games! Be prepared to scream, yell, wave your flags and MAKE SOME NOISE as we CHEER OUR TEAMS ON TO VICTORY! All games are held at Thompson Street Athletic Center, 145 Thompson Street. LET’S GO KNIGHTS!! Knights home game schedule for next week:

  • 2/17/2011 – MS Boys vs BWL 4PM
  • 2/18/2011 – Intramurals Playoffs
  • 2/23/2011 – Varsity Boys and Girls ISAL PLAYOFF
  • 2/24/2011 – JV Boys vs LFNY 4PM
  • 2/25/2011 – Varsity Boys and Girls ISAL FINAL and Intramurals Playoffs
  • 2/28/2011 – MS Boys and Girls Finals
  • 3/1/2011 – JV Boys Playoff
  • 3/3/2011 — JV Boys FINAL
  • 3/4/2011 — Intramurals Finals/Consolation Game
  • 3/11/2011 – Intramurals Parents Game

Hairspray_hi_final22) High School Musical: HAIRSPRAY: February 24th, 25th and 26th at 7:00PM and 2:00PM on Saturday the 26th in the PAC at 40, Charlton Street. Tickets on sale Tuesday, February 16th, at 8:00AM in both school lobbies. $10 students and senior citizens, $12 for adults.

In 1962 Baltimore, Maryland, plump teenager Tracy Turnblad’s dream is to dance on The Corny Collins Show, a local TV dance program. When Tracy wins a role on the show, she becomes a celebrity overnight. She then launches a campaign to integrate the show. HAIRSPRAY is not only a social commentary on the injustices of parts of American society in the 1960s but also a story of how a single person can make a change within a community. Tracy is a tornado of positivity and open mindedness that we follow as she navigates through high school and beyond.

LREI’s high school students have been working hard in rehearsals through this tough winter to bring you a spectacular show. We guarantee to warm you up and blast away the winter blues! This huge production, with larger than life characters and up beat numbers featuring our fantastic students should not to be missed. HAIRSPRAY is for the whole family and we sincerely hope you will come and support the many high school students and faculty involved.

  • Directed by Joanne Magee and Lorna Jordan
  • Musical Director: Matt McLean
  • Choreographer: Peggy Peloquin
  • Set Design: Jorge Dieppa
  • Costume Design: Mark Caswell
  • Vocal Coach: Susan Glass

3) Community Service Committee: LREI COLLECTION DRIVE FOR ROOM TO GROW: Help a baby born into poverty by donating to room to grow (new and nearly new items for children aged 3 months -7 years old; clothing, toys, strollers, high chairs, all in good condition). Click here to view a flyer with complete details.
WHEN: Monday, February 14th – Friday, February 18th.
WHERE: Drop-off bins will be located in the Sixth Avenue lobby each morning from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. To receive a receipt for tax purposes, please fill out the attached form with information about your donations and return to the front desk.

4) Red is Green: In February the Red is Green Committee will be recycling plastic bottle caps. We are collecting rigid plastic caps such as caps on shampoo, water, milk and other beverage bottles. Also, pharmaceutical lids, flip top caps on tubes and food product bottles (such as ketchup and mayonnaise), and laundry detergents. When these caps are thrown away, they often end up in rivers and oceans with drastic consequences for both wildlife and the environment. The caps will be recycled through the Aveda plastic bottle cap recycling program. Caps can be dropped off in the collection bin in the 6th avenue lobby. Click here to view a flyer with complete information.

5) Literary Committee: Did you ever wonder what that book was that had your child so enthralled, or why everyone is suddenly so gaga over teenage vampires? Then come to Well-REaD, a children’s and young adult book discussion event for parents, sponsored by the LREI Literary Committee. It will be held on Thursday, April 7th, from 6-8pm, in the Sixth Avenue building. Sign up for one of four book discussions led by our LREI librarians featuring titles that your children have read and enjoyed. Like all good book discussions, wine and cheese will be served along with lots of lively discussion on some of the most popular titles published for youth today. Books will be made available for order through the LREI Literary Committee, and make great additions to your child’s bookshelf. Click here for the list of books/order form and credit card authorization form. Childcare will be available for those attending Well-REaD ($15 per child, $5 for siblings). Sign-up at the Sixth Avenue reception desk (you may also e-mail Mary Shea, at mshea@LREI.org). We’re looking forward to a night of lively discussions. Hope to see you there! Important dates for Well-REaD:

  • Order books by Friday, February 25 (completed order forms may be handed in at the Sixth Avenue reception desk)
  • Pick-up books during the week of March 14 – 18 so you can read them over Spring Break.
  • Sign up for child care by Monday, April 4.
  • Well-REaD will take place on Thursday, April 7

6) Come check out the Afterschool blog at: http://blog.lrei.org/afterschoolphotos/
New posts include Cooking Day: Quesadillas, and From Scratch!

7) The Big Auction Committee needs your help! We have four weeks to collect all our donations for the auction. The auction benefits LREI’s tuition remission program. The deadline for donations is March 13th. We have received some amazing donations so far but we need more! We would love to get 100% participation from all the families at the school. If each family could solicit or donate one item that would be amazing. We welcome donations that are big and small. Here is a list of ideas/suggestions:

  • Restaurant gift cards (we have very few restaurant donations so far)
  • Services like music lessons, exercise sessions, cooking lesson, closet makeover, spa treatment, interior design consultation
  • Air miles
  • Know a designer? Is there a store you frequent? Bags, dresses, jeans, all clothing, mens, womens, kids (all new of course)
  • Jewelry (again, new of course)
  • Theatre tickets, sport event tickets
  • Studio tours
  • Holiday homes
  • Kids’ parties
  • Beauty products
  • Hotels
  • Autographed signed items, guitars, posters, etc.
  • Cases of wine

These are just some ideas. Please feel free to email us, bigauction@lrei.org, with questions or suggestions. We have attached a donation form; completed donation forms should be returned to Liza Sacks in the Advancement Office. You should have all received the Save the Date card. The Big Auction will be at Capitale on May 11th. We are planning a great party and look forward to seeing you all there.

8) Come check out the Afterschool blog at: http://blog.lrei.org/afterschoolphotos/
New posts include Reds: Experiments/Explorations: Bones Project- 1/25; Choice Friday: Rope Swing Art-1/28; Reds: Art Day: Hand Art-1/31, Blues Stop Motion Animation Art Project (Fall), and Blues/Reds Cooking Project: Monkey Bread- 2/3

9) Our new community cookbook, Downtown Potluck, a compilation of recipes from our talented parents and teachers, has been garnering praise in the media, including Time Out New York Kids and Esquire. It will be on sale at Karamu! and other upcoming school events. It will also be available through the school store, and in the Sixth Ave. lobby shortly before Valentine’s Day (perfect for gift-giving!). The book costs $25; supplies are limited. Email cookbook@LREI.org for information.

10) Click here to access the most current “At a Glance” calendar for the 2010-2011 school year.

11) For additional school news, you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

10) LREI is a member of NYC-Parents in Action (NYC-PIA – http://www.parentsinaction.org/). NYC-PIA provides parenting education, information and a communications network to help parents prepare their children and teenagers to cope with social pressures and to make sound choices towards a future free of alcohol and drug abuse. Click here to view upcoming events and/or to download their calendar.

For All Grades . . .

1) Click here to read the minutes from the February Middle School Parent Rep Meeting.

2) Congratulations to our league champion MIddle School Girls Basketball team. As Coach Elizabeth Simmons reports:

The MS girls’ bball team had a hair-raising win against BWL last week at home. It was one of our toughest games; we were definitely well-matched. The leading team switched back and forth until the fourth quarter: after the 1st quarter, we were tied. After the 2nd, they led by 3. After the 3rd, we led by 4. A couple of minutes into the 4th quarter, their strongest player fouled out. After that, we pushed to victory, winning 44-30.  We’re now 11-2 overall, and undefeated in the league!

3) Our Pennies for Patients Drive has begun and will run through the end of the month. Since 1994, millions of dollars have been raised in pennies and other spare change by more than 10 million elementary, middle and high school students throughout the country. The funds, collected during a three-week period, benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Everyone who participates is a winner! Students across the country are collecting pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters during the Pennies for Patients campaigns benefiting the Society.

4) Monday, March 7th, 2010 — Project Cicero Book Drive (through Thursday, March 10th) — Project Cicero is an annual non-profit book drive designed to create — or supplement — school and classroom libraries for children in under-resourced New York City public schools. Now in its tenth year, Project Cicero has distributed nearly 1,000,000 new and gently used books to 5,500 New York City classrooms and libraries, reaching 180,000 students. Boos can be dropped off in the Sixth Avenue lobby.

5) From Director of Diversity and Community Sandra Chapman and middle school science teacher Sherezada Acosta: The next meeting for MS Students of Color will take place on Wednesday, March 16 from 11:00AM-12:00PM. With the help of middle school faculty Frank Portella, Sara-Momii Roberts and Elizabeth Simmons, students will meet in affinity groups (racial / ethnic groups) to discuss the idea of microaggressions. Microaggressions, as defined by Dr. Derald Wing Sue, are the “everyday indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate negative or derogatory racial slights and insults to People of Color.” You may be thinking, “This seems like a heavy concept for young folks to discuss over lunch.” While the term “microaggressions” is a mouthful, the idea of everyday indignities is a reality for people of color and one middle schoolers and their families do face. We expect the meeting will generate healthy discussions and hopeful takeaways for the students. In affinity groups the students will answer two primary questions; “What I never want people to do, say, or think about our group is…” and “What I want people to know about our group is…”


Dr. Sue, Dr. Beverly D. Tatum, Tim Wise, and others encourage us to talk to young people about these experiences and to offer strategies for coping. Dr. Sue writes, “For mental health purposes, it would be useful to explore the coping mechanisms used by people of color to stave off the negative effects of microaggressions. The fact that people of color have had to face daily microaggressions and have continued to maintain their dignity in the face of such hostility is a testament to their resiliency (D. W. Sue, 2003). What coping strategies have been found to serve them well? A greater understanding of responses to microaggressions, both in the long term and the short term, and of the coping strategies employed would be beneficial in arming children of color for the life they will face.” While the MS SOC meetings are optional, it is helpful to the students in attendance when we have a critical mass, particularly seventh and eighth grade Students of Color who are role models for fifth and sixth grade students. The group’s ability to process and support each other is key to reaching our goal of “helpful takeaways.” Thank you in advance for encouraging your Child of Color to attend the meetings.

For Eighth Grade Families . . .

No updates this week.

For Seventh Grade Families . . .

No updates this week.

For Sixth Grade Families . . .

No updates this week.

For Sixth and Fifth Grade Families . . .

Intramural Basketball: The link to the schedule can be found HERE. Below is our season schedule:

  • Every Tuesday – Blue and Green Teams practices from 7-8AM at TSAC (145 Thompson St.)
  • Every Wednesday – Black Team practices from 7-8AM at TSAC (145 Thompson St.)
  • Every Thursday – Red and Tie Dye Teams practices from 7-8AM at TSAC (145 Thompson St.)

Game Schedule:
Friday Feb 18th – Playoffs
Friday Feb 25th – Playoffs
Friday Mar 4th – Consolation and Championship
Friday Mar 11th – Parents Game 3:30

**The last practice will be March 3rd, no practices the week of the parents game

If you have any questions, please let me know!

For Fifth Grade Families . . .

No updates this week.

============= For additional information, follow these links: =============

A reminder that the individual homework blog and the “feeds” for every class can be accessed from the Digital Classroom link on the sidebar (you may want to bookmark this page for easy access). These feeds provide an easy “one-click” solution to find out what has been assigned for homework. Keep in mind that a feed will only show what has been posted as of the time you check it.

Don’t forget to check the LREI website for updates and other interesting school-related information.

Be well,

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