DJ5 Printmaking Editions


Using the work of artists such as MC Escher (printmaker, graphic artist; 1898-1972) and Katsushika Hokusai (painter, printmaker; 1760 – 1849) as a jumping off point, students worked on creating their own edition of prints. They worked with foam plates, brayers and printing ink. They were encouraged to create at least 4 prints of their background plate so that they could be selective about the final pieces they displayed. Once students achieved successful background prints they were also encouraged to layer their prints with multiple colors and a process of selectively reprinting select portions of their image.


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Wally Condos

Raya Connolly

Aaron Goodhart

Caitlynn Hurst

Jules Lentz-Tawil

Gisele Putka

Emmett Rapp

Zoey Samuelson

Ryan Small

Mia Taylor


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