As written by the 2013-2014 Middle School Class Reps and approved by the Administration

On Halloween, middle school students who so choose will be able to wear costumes to school. In order to wear a costume, you must read the following, print out this page and sign on the signature line to acknowledge that you agree to these terms and return to your advisor. Students who do not sign the Agreement and choose to wear a costume to school on Halloween will be sent home to change. The Agreement guidelines are as follows:

  • No student should feel pressured or obligated to purchase a costume.
  • Students are encouraged to make their costumes from materials that they already have at home.
  • Costumes that reflect creativity and originality are preferred.
  • Costumes that reflect key figures from books you’ve read, puns, expressions or word play, works or art, or key concepts from any of your classes are also desirable.
  • Any costume that reflects committed thought on the part of the maker and that is done in the fun spirit of the day will respect the following conditions:
    • Costumes may not include masks that cover the full face;
    • Costumes may not include heavy makeup or face paint;
    • Costumes must follow all aspects of the current dress code rules;
    • Hats, hoods or wigs that are a part of a costume should be easy to remove if asked by a teacher during class;
    • Costumes should not make noises that would be distracting during classes;
    • Costumes may not make use of blood (real or fake) and/or may not include dismembered parts of the body (real or fake);
    • Costumes that are violent in nature or feature a weapon as an element are not allowed;
    • If your class has PE on Halloween, your costume should allow you to participate fully in the class. If not, you should bring appropriate clothes/shoes with you to school and change into them for PE. If you change, you may change back into your costume after PE;
    • Your costume should not permit you from participating any classes or in-school activities.

Costume wearers are encouraged to bring an additional pair of clothes to school in case it is determined that their costume does not meet the above requirements. Students who do not bring in a change of clothes may be sent home to change.

Please remember that we share a learning environment with children as young as four years old, who can be easily scared. Students are asked to be mindful of how a costume might be interpreted as offensive by some and to take this into account when choosing/making their costume. As middle schoolers, you are trusted to know what’s appropriate and what isn’t. If you are confused or have questions about the appropriateness of something, please speak with your class rep or a member of the faculty before coming to school in your costume.

Most important, let’s be creative and have fun!


______________________________                     ______________________________
Printed Name                                                                          Signature