LAPS for 2nd Quarter
Below is a complete listing of all the Performance LAPS available for the 2nd quarter. Keep in mind that there are several other categories from which to earn LAPS.
The grading for the second quarter is as follows.:
A+= 11 LAPS
B+ = 8 LAPS
B = 7 LAPS
C+ = 6 LAPS
C = 5 LAPS
Sheet 2 has 3 possible LAPS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS. Yes, guitarists and pianists you can earn a lap for playing each of the songs on Sheet 2: Bebop Scale, Twinkle, Twinkle or Theme by Beethoven.
Blues Machine LAPS
Saxophones- mm. 21-25 = 1 LAP
-mm. 26-31 = 1 LAP
-mm. 57-58 = 1 LAP
-mm 63-67 = 1 LAP
Trumpets- mm. 6-9 = 1 LAP
-mm.15-17 = 1 LAP
-mm. 57-58 = 1 LAP
-mm. 63-67 = 1 LAP
-mm. 70-72 = 1 LAP
Trombones -mm. 21-25 = 1 LAP
-mm. 29-32 = 1 LAP
-mm. 57-58 = 1 LAP
-mm. 63-67 = 1 LAP
Pianos -Section B, Blues Scale = 1 LAP
-mm. 7-18 (both hands) = 1 LAP
-mm. 21-24 (both hands) = 1 LAP
-mm. 45-48 (both hands) = 1 LAP
-mm 63-66 (both hands) = 1 LAP
Guitars – Section B, Blues Scale = 1 LAP
-mm. 7-18 = 1 LAP
-mm. 45-47 = 1 LAP
-mm. 63-66 = 1 LAP
Bass -Section B, Blues Scale = 1 LAP
-mm. 7-18 = 1 LAP
– mm. 45-48 = 1 LAP
-mm. 63-68 = 1 LAP
Drummers (Snare and cymbal)
-mm. 15-17 = 1 LAP
-mm. 57- 62 = 1 LAP
-mm.63-68 = 1 LAP
-mm. 69-76 = 1 LAP
Let’s Go Band (to be passed out) =1 LAP