Springtime Composition

Spring is finally here and to celebrate the 5th Grade music classes are working on a class composition entitled Springtime! After listening to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and singing The Beatles’ “Here Comes the Sun”  we discussed how each song related to the feeling of Spring. Each student was then asked to offer two words that relate to Springtime and all that the season represents. A few volunteers were asked to then try and ‘perform’ one of the words on a class room instrument of their choice. After several volunteers took turns trying to play various words we engaged in a discussion of how the elements of music (rhythm, timbre, pitch, dynamics) can be used in to create programmatic compositions. Working with a partner, students have now set out to musically portray two words of their choice. After sufficient experimentation and rehearsal time a class composition will be realized through a planned improvisation to be recorded.

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