Using Garageband to read and write music

One of the aims for middle school music is to be able to read and write traditional music notation. We will use these skills in class to sing songs as well as compose our own music.

Garageband is a terrific tool that helps with understanding traditional notation. Every music class will be doing some preliminary exercises to familarize everyone with Garageband’s notation editor. Click here to see a brief overview.

If you are having difficulty, open the Garageband file called “notationEx1” from the Garageband folder on the Classes Shared server. It is in the Music folder.

Once you have the file open, try executing these 8 tasks as we did in class:

I will issue a homework assignment soon to ensure that we are all up to speed with using the notation function in Garageband so be sure to ask me questions if you are having difficulty!

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