6th grade music assessment quiz

Henry will be giving each 6th grade class a short assessment quiz at the end of this week (October 22 – 26.) I will give this to Frank and Sherezada’s class on Thursday, October 25th, and to Lynne and Jennifer’s class on Friday, October 26th. This quiz will be the basis for a portion of each students’ 1st quarter music grade. The quiz is based on the music theory sheets that are in each students’ music folder, in their binder. Here is a list of what has been handed out to each student:

CHAPIN’S LAW #1 – Vocabulary word review from last year

CHAPIN’S LAW #2 – About the Beat

CHAPIN’S LAW #3 – Note values, rests, time signature, measures, and barlines

If any student would like an extra copy, please have them see me in the music room and I will provide it to them.

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