“Equal” by Alex Cueto ’24

I can’t walk down the street without hearing a whistle

These cat calls and stares make me feel so little


They think that I like it

They think I don’t care

I just feel so useless

It is so unfair


The anger inside me is brewing like magic

The way we are treated is insanely tragic


Life is already hard when I’m told nothing new

That I cook and I clean and that’s all that I’ll do


You expect me to give life

To a new child

But without equal rights

I won’t do that for a while


I won’t raise a baby under this current system

If my baby had problems I couldn’t assist them

Or, I couldn’t guide them and I couldn’t make them hope

Because this world is a mess that can’t be cleaned off with soap


Why bring an idea that their future is bright

That there’s no harm that’s coming and there’s no harm in sight


America’s freedom was always a promise

But no one is free

Come on let’s be honest

If we were all free and if we were all equal

Then making my own choice would always be legal


My rights are important, my words should be too

So how come people in power think that this isn’t true?


Why do people define me by the body that is mine?

The clothes that I wear somehow cross a line?!


They say “boys will be boys” but what does that do?

Does that help me, save me, hurt me, or degrade me?

They haven’t a clue


If people would hear what the kids had to say,

We wouldn’t be fighting for peace every day


If people would listen, they would understand

That a person’s a person in a just land

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