Junior and Senior Media Projects

Here is a small sampling of the dozens of terrific films produced in non-fiction and narrative media classes this year.

En-Route by Ajahni Jackson

En-route” is a short documentary that documents the commutes of three NYC high school students. It shows how a long commute can affect a student’s life both inside and out of school.

The Messenger by Nate Simon

A bored student must deliver a mysterious package before something bad happens.

The college process: The Musical by Jack Hillyer

A comedy about a student who tries to make a hip-hop musical about the college process.

Home, Sweet Home by Isabella Marcellino

Terrified of participating in an exchange program in Singapore, Sam decides to instead live in his high school, unbeknownst to his mother.

Friendship Canceled by Cole Dorsey

An energetic young girl who wants to reconnect with an old friend faces one problem – a lack of listening.

LREI Robotics by Dylan Zajac

The LREI Robotics Team’s ins and outs along with the journey to compete in The First Robotics competition.

Tommy K. Productions by Cameron Krakowiak

This documentary encapsulates a day in the life of a film crew, Tommy K Productions. The short film also discovers the secrets to the industry and what makes this band of coworkers so fundamentally compatible.

FOMO – Fear of Missing Out by Jack Hillyer

FOMO is a documentary about an experiment in which 20 people were asked to quit social media for two weeks. Only one person (Alexa Kennedy) was willing to participate. The film explores her experience during those two weeks.

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