Q: How do I pull back on my senioritis?? I have so much work to do and literally ZERO motivation to do it. Senior year low-key sucks.

A: I know it can be really hard to get back into working hard when you have lost motivation. I recommend talking to your parents, advisors, teachers (or anyone else that could help) and plan out how and when you are going to do your work. When I feel that homework assignments are piling up, and I’m not really as on top of them as I’d like to be, I start using a paper planner so I can clearly organize my work and lay out my homework schedule. I find that this is better than just checking Connect because it’s a written commitment to do a certain assignment on a certain day. This will make you feel more obligated to do it. It also forces you to look ahead rather than just checking what homework you have due the next day.

Hope I could help 🙂


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