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The Digestive System: Library Pathfinder

The Digestive System: 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



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4. ______________________________________________________

Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 5, pp. 201-202 under Digestive System. See also Intestine, Liver, Mastication, Pancreas, Pepsin, and Stomach.

R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science vol. 5, pp. 248-56 under Digestive System.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 612 area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters on the digestive system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on digestion is, unless the entire book is about the digestive system.

612 A Blood and Guts: A working guide to your own insides
612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works
612.3 AVR The Digestive System
612.3 MOR The Digestive System
612.3 Digesting Food

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases

Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

BBC: The Digestive System

How Stuff Works: How the Diabetes Affects the Digestive System

Kid’s Health: Your Stomach and Digestive System

Discovery Kids: Your Digestive System

National Digestive Diseases Information Clearing House: Your Digestive System and How it Works The Digestive System

Newsweek: “Soothing a Sensitive Gut”

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The Reproductive System: Library Pathfinder

The Reproductive System: 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 16, pp. 244-248 under Human Reproduction. See also: Menstruation, Ovary, Penis, Pregnancy, Testicle, Uterus and Vagina.

R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science Vol. 5, pp. 293-307 under Human Reproduction and Birth.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 600’s area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters on the human reproductive system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on reproduction is, unless the entire book is about the reproductive system.

612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works
612.6 AVR The Reproductive System
612.6 GRA The Period Book
612.6 HAR It’s So Amazing! A book about eggs, sperm, birth, etc.
613.95 MAD The What’s Happening to My Body Book for Girls
613.95 MAD The What’s Happening to My Body Book for Boys

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases

Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

BBC: Bitesize Human Reproductive System

A.D.A.M: Reproductive System

Healthsquare: The Reproductive System

Teen Health: Female Reproductive System

Teen Health: Male Reproductive System

Newsweek: “Fat, Carbs and the Science of Conception”

New York Times: Aging Changes in the Male Reproductive System “Is the Environment Hurting Men?”

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The Immune System: Library Pathfinder

The Immune System: 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 10, pp. 87-89 under Immune System. See also Immunization, Inoculation and Virus.

R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science vol. 5, pp. 235-41 under Immune System.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 600’s area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters on the immune system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on the immune system is, unless the entire book is about the immune system.

612 A Blood and Guts: A working guide to your own insides
612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works
616.07 DER The Immune System
616.07 EDE The Immune System
616.07 KNI Your Body’s Defenses

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases

Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

Kid’s Health: Immune System

How Stuff Works: How Your Immune System Works

Nobel The Immune System in More Detail

Newsweek: “A Delicate Balance”

New York Times: “Babies Know: A Little Dirt is Good for You”

Time: “Immune System Disorders”

Science Daily: “Immune System: Decoding the Language of Memory Cells”

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The Brain: Library Pathfinder

The Brain: 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 2, pp. 550-560 under Brain. See also Nervous System and Skull.

R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science vol. 5, pp. 223-34 under Brain, Human.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 600’s area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters on the brain and nervous system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on the brain and nervous system is, unless the entire book is about the brain.

612 A Blood and Guts: A working guide to your own insides
612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works
612.8 BEL Inside the Brain
612.8 BRY The Physical Brain
612.8 SIM The Brain
612.82 It’s All in Your Head
612.82 ROW Big Head!

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases

Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

PBS: The Secret Life of the Brain

Discovery Kids: The Brain

Kid’s Health: Your Brain and Nervous System

BBC: The Brain

Time: “How the Brain Rewires Itself”

Newsweek: “Sad Brain, Happy Brain”

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The Skeletal System: Library Pathfinder

The Skeletal System: 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 17, pp. 479-481 under Skeleton. See also Joint, Knee, Ligament, Pelvis, Skull, Spine and Vertebrae.

R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science vol. 5, pp. 173-84 under The Bones of the Body.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 600’s area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters about the skeletal system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on the skeleton is, unless the entire book is about the skeletal system.

611 B The Skeleton Inside You
612 A Blood and Guts: A working guide to your own insides
612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases

Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

Discovery Kids: Skeletal System

BBC: Science and Nature: Human Anatomy-Skeleton

Chart of Human Bones from the McMillian Visual Dictionary

The Virtual Body: The Human Skeleton

Minnesota State University: The Skeletal System

New York Times: Health Guide-Osteoporosis

Newsweek: “Bones of Invention”

Time: “No Bones About It”

Time: “Bones of Contention”

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The Respiratory System: Library Pathfinder

The Respiratory System: 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 16, pp. 260-261 (located on the magazine shelf near the lobby window) under Respiration. See also Diaphragm, Lung, Nose and Trachea.

R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science vol. 5, pp. 215-22 under Respiratory System.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 600’s area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters on the respiratory system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on respiration is, unless the entire book is about the respiratory system.

612 A Blood and Guts: A working guide to your own insides
612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works
612.2 HAY The Lungs: Learning How We Breathe
612.8 COB Follow Your Nose
616.2 KIT The Respiratory System

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases

Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

The Franklin Institute: The Respiratory System

Columbia University: “New Research Shows How Lungs Fight Bacteria and Prevent Infection”

Discovery Kids: Your Respiratory System

Kids Health: Your Lungs & Respiratory System

Time: “Lung Cancer and the Sexes”

Parade Magazine: “Lung Cancer Breakthroughs”

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The Nervous System: Library Pathfinder

The Nervous System: 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 14, pp. 132-136 under Nervous System. See also Brain, Neurology and Spine.

R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science vol. 5, pp. 223-34 under Nervous System.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 600’s area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters on the nervous system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on the nervous system is, unless the entire book is about the nervous system.

612 A Blood and Guts: A working guide to your own insides
612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works
612.8 EDE The Nervous System

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases
Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

BBC: Nervous System

Neuroscience for Kids: Explore the Nervous System

Discovery Kids: Nervous System

Kid’s Health: Brain and Nervous System

PATTS: Nervous System

New York Times: Aging Changes in the Nervous System

Science Daily: “Diverse ‘Connectomes’ Hint At Genes’ Limits In Nervous System”

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The Muscular System: Library Pathfinder

The Muscular System: 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 13, pp. 933-936 under Muscle. See also Human Body; The Muscular System.

R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science, vol. 5 pp. 185-194 under The Muscular System.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 600’s area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters on the muscular system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on the muscular system is, unless the entire book is about the muscular system.

612 A Blood and Guts: A working guide to your own insides
612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases
Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

BBC: Muscular System

Kid’s Health: Your Muscles

How Stuff Works: How Muscles Work

PATTS: The Muscular System

New York Times: “Lacking Cure, A New Tack on a Muscle Disease”

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The Circulatory System: Library Pathfinder

The Circulatory System: 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 4, pp. 559-561 (located on the magazine shelf near the lobby window) under Circulatory System. See also Artery, Blood, Capillary, Heart and Vein.
R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science vol. 5, pp. 195-204 under Circulatory System.
R 509 WHI History of Science vol. 5, p. 44-45 under The Circulation of the Blood.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 612 area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters on the human heart, blood, and circulatory system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on blood circulation is, unless the entire book is about the heart or circulatory system.

612 A Blood and Guts: A working guide to your own insides
612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works
612.1 AVR The Circulatory System
612.1 SIM The Heart: Our circulatory system
612.1 VIE The Heart: Learning how our blood circulates

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases
Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

BBC: Science and Nature: Human Heart

The Franklin Institute: The Circulatory System

Biology in Motion: Cardiovascular System

Kid’s Health: Your Heart and Circulatory System

NOVA: Electric Heart

Newsweek: “Rebuilding the Heart”

Time: “How Stress Harms Your Heart”

Matters of the Heart: A Collection of special health reports from

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2.12.10 Black History Month Resources

sit in

crazy summer

February is Black History Month. Why? You can read about the origins of it here.

There are hundreds of wonderful informational books, picture books, and novels for children and young adults on this topic that are great for families to share or for students to read on their own. Here is a small sample of the many online Black History book lists available.

Booklist Magazine’s Top Ten Black History Books for Youth:2010

New York Public Library’s Celebrate African-American History Month

Reading Rockets Black History Month

Brooklyn Public Library’s Black History Month books for kids

Coretta Scott King Book Awards

Washington Post’s kid picks for Black History Month Black History Month

African American Books from The Horn Book

And check out these blogs that feature books for children and young adults with characters of color:

The Brown Bookshelf: 28 Days Later, a Black History Month Celebration of Children’s Literature

Color Online: Let’s talk books, culture and literacy

Mitali’s Fire Escape: a safe place to chat about books between cultures

Reading in Color: a teen reviews YA books featuring people of color

Happy Black History Month, and I’ll see you in the library.

Jennifer Hubert Swan, Middle School librarian