11.18.09/The Eighth Grade @ The National Book Award Teen Press Conference
Today, the eighth grade had the privilege of attending the National Book Award Teen Press Conference. We traveled by subway to the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture to hear the five finalists read aloud from their books and answer questions from the audience. For more information about the finalists and their books, please see my earlier post. The event was hilariously hosted by famous children’s author and former teacher Jon Scieszka, who is currently serving as the first National Ambassador of Young People’s Literature. Afterward, teachers and students lingered in the lobby of the library where staff served them cookies and juice, and they could stand in line to meet their favorite author and get their book signed. A fun time was had by all, if the picture below are any evidence. Please be sure to ask your 8th grader about the trip and if he or she was able to chat with one of the authors.
8th graders with host Jon Scieszka and NBA finalist Tim Tharp
Getting a book signed by award-winning author Laurie Halse Anderson
Enjoying some refreshments after the panel discussion.
I’ll see you in the library,
Jennifer Hubert Swan, Middle School Librarian