McCarthyism: Library Pathfinder

McCarthyism: 7th grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look to find information in the library?





Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference desk, under the shark)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 13, p. 331-332 (located on the magazine shelf near the lobby window) under McCarthy, Joseph Raymond and McCarthyism. See also: Un-American Activities Committee.

R 909.82 20th Century Day by Day / use index at the back. The book is arranged by month/year. McCarthy is found under: 8/46, 2/50, 3/50, 4/50, 3/52, 11/53, 2/54, 3/54, 5/54, 6/54, 8/54, 12/54, 5/57, 10/60.

R 909.82 The Century for Young People/ p. 136

R 920 CAM The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia/ p. 596

R 920 OXF Oxford’s Children’s Book of Famous People/ p.220

R 973 YOU Young Reader’s Companion to American History/ p. 531-32, p. 41-42.

R 973.092 GRO Grolier’s North American Biographies/ v. 6, p. 165-66
see also House Committee, each mention of which designates a person accused of Communist activity.

Step 2. Circulating books:
We have very little about McCarthy and Communism in our circulating collection. You may have to look for additional books at your public library:

B McC Joseph McCarthy and the Cold War (3 copies)

973 J Making of America/ p. 164

973.921 Fit McCarthyism: the Red Scare (3 copies)

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases

Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “American History Online”
Ask Jennifer, Matthew or Elizabeth for the login and password.
Under “Learning Centers,” click on “The Fifties.”
Under “Events and Topics” click on the “Red Scare, 1950’s,” under “People” click on “McCarthy, Joseph” You can also type your topic into the search window on the upper right side of the screen.

Step 4. Internet:

The Red Scare Revisited: Inside McCarthy Files (From The Christian Science Monitor)

McCarthyism: Spartacus Educational

Joseph McCarthy: A Biography

Joseph McCarthy: Notable Biographies

Joseph McCarthy: Wikipedia

Joseph McCarthy: A Modern Tragedy

McCarthyism: Encyclomedia


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History Matters: “Enemies From Within”

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