9.29.09 Banned Books Week

banned books weekSeptember 26-October 3 is National Banned Books Week, co-sponsored by the American Booksellers Association; American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression; the American Library Association; American Society of Journalists and Authors; Association of American Publishers; and the National Association of College Stores.

Since school has started, students have been coming up to the librarians with questions about our Banned Books Week bulletin board, questions like, “Does this mean I can’t read this book?” “I love that book! Why was it banned?” and “If it’s a banned book, are we allowed to have it in our library?”

The librarians have used these questions as starting points for conversations about why we celebrate Banned Books Week and the freedom to read. The American Library Association has some great online resources that are worth exploring with your child or on your own. Also, this video produced by the Office of Intellectual Freedom uses to humor to explain the concept of Banned Books Week.

Want to read a banned book to celebrate your freedom to read? Try some of these. And don’t be surprised if you find one of your favorites on the list!

I’ll see you in the library,

Jennifer Hubert Swan, Middle School Librarian

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