Category: English 9B

English 9B Syllabus 5/13-6/9

English 9B

Jane Belton

Syllabus May 13 – June 9 2010

Thursday 5/13

In Class: “Two Countries” poem due.  Sharing/pointing to key themes and ideas to explore further. Writing: Final Project Freewrite # 1: Choose one of the themes that has emerged from a specific text or set of texts we have read this year. This should be a theme that you find personally rich and interesting. Consult your class notes and final project handout for ideas. Once you have chosen your “theme” or set of themes, scan your memory for specific stories, scenes from you life, and moments that come to mind when you think of that particular theme. Then, begin to narrate one specific story or scene from the list of stories you generated. In your writing, focus on getting specific details on the page and on bringing your reader into the scenes of your story.

Homework: Continue Final Project Freewrite # 1 we began in class. You should write for at least 40 minutes. Review for vocabulary quiz on Wednesday 5/19.

Friday 5/14 – No Class

Monday 5/17

In Class: Highlight moments or ideas in Freewrite # 1 you might want to explore further in your final narrative, moments or ideas you feel are rich and full of potential for further exploration. How might the themes and content of your freewrite inform your final narrative? Then begin Final Project Freewrite #2: Generate a list of specific texts (songs, books, poems) or objects (childhood toys, personal possessions) that come to mind when you think of the theme you wrote about last night. Then freewrite about that text or object, “mining” or “excavating” your memory for specific stories, memories, snippets of dialogue it brings to mind.

Homework: 1) Continue Freewrite #2. Then select one of the pieces you have begun this week to use as a springboard for your final personal narrative. Bring in at least 3 pages of writing to class on Tuesday. 2) Review for vocab quiz 2. 3) Read RWR book 5

Tuesday 5/18

In Class: Writing workshop: 1) How might you use Journey from the Land of No to inform the shape and content of your personal narrative? What lessons can you learn from the memoir and/or from Beah’s memoir about how to write an engaging personal narrative? Writing from passages. 2) How might you use Freewrite # 2 to inform your personal narrative?

Homework: 1) Study for vocabulary quiz on Wednesday 5/19.  2) Work on personal narrative; bring in your writing to class on Wednesday.  3) Read RWR book # 5

Wednesday 5/19

In Class: Vocab Quiz 2. Work on drafts of personal narratives in class/peer feedback

Homework: 1) Read RWR book # 5; 2) develop your narrative, according to feedback/discussion in class. Bring in TWO COPIES OF YOUR DRAFT (at least 4-6 pages long), printed out to submit to me and to a peer editor.

Thursday 5/20

In Class: FIRST FULL DRAFT OF NARRATIVE DUE (Two copies!). Peer editing in class.

Homework: 1) Revise your piece according to peer feedback; you may want to schedule a meeting with me to discuss your personal narrative. 2) Complete worksheet 1 for RWR project.

Friday 5/21 – No Class

Monday 5/24

In Class: Work on RWR project in Library

Homework: Work on RWR Project: Complete worksheet 2 and write a first draft of your synopsis. Bring in a copy of your synopsis to class on Tuesday.

Tuesday 5/25

In Class: Work period RWR project: Workshop synopses.

Homework: 1) Work on RWR project: Revise synopses according to class workshop today. 2) Continue revising your personal narrative. Bring in an electronic copy to work on in class on Wednesday 5/26.

Wednesday 5/26

In Class: Hand back first drafts of personal narratives. Read/digest feedback; writing workshop.

Homework: Revise personal narratives according to feedback you’ve received. You may want to schedule a meeting with me to discuss your writing further. 2) Complete RWR project for Wednesday 6/2. Prepare for RWR presentations.

Thursday 5/27 – No Class, Friday Schedule

Friday 5/28 – No Classes

Monday 5/31 – No School

Tuesday 6/1

In Class: Work period on drafts of personal narratives or RWR project

Homework: Complete RWR project for Wednesday 6/2. Prepare for RWR presentations.

Wednesday 6/2

In Class: RWR Project Presentations

Homework: Continue to work on final personal narrative.

Thursday 6/3

In Class: Summer Reading discussion; preparation for final personal narrative sharing. Mini workshop on public speaking/reading aloud your work.

Homework: Complete your final project folder for the scheduled exam time. Prepare to read your piece at the scheduled exam time. You will be reading your final piece for about 7 minutes in small groups.

Friday 6/4 – Reading Day

EXAMS: Monday 6/7 — Wednesday 6/9

English 9B Close Reading Assignment # 2: Due Monday May 3

English 9B

Jane Belton

Close Reading Assignment # 2: Journey from the Land of No

Perform a close reading of ONE of the passages below from pp. 129-150 of the memoir. Answer the following questions in your close reading: Why is the passage significant in the context of what we have read of the memoir so far? What does it reveal about Roya and/or the specific moment in time in Iran?

Please begin your close reading with a clear topic statement that answers the questions above and states your main point. Then, to support your theory, comment on and interpret significant language, imagery, metaphors, and symbolism in the passage. You need not comment on every line of the passage, but should focus on the most significant phrases and moments. You must weave short quotes from the passage into your paragraph as evidence to support your claims and provide sufficient, detailed analysis of each piece of evidence you use. You must also include correct parenthetical citation after every quote you use.  You may also want to make connections or comparisons to other specific moments in the memoir we have read so far. However, your analysis must be grounded in and focused on the provided passage and its context.  Note: This is a formal piece of analytical writing. Do not use “I” or “me”.

Length: (1 ½ – 2 full pages, typed, double spaced)

Due Date: Monday May 3

*                                    *                                    *

Passage 1 (page 139)

I wrote fast and gripped the pen hard, so hard that the left side of my middle finger paled and began to buzz…The bitter allure of the words was intoxicating. It had a hint of the allure of the revolution. Its immensity had a force I had never felt within. Nothing chaotic or desperate. Uproarious, but rhythmic, too. Even songlike. A song not unlike the hymns I had heard in the synagogue, yet more moving, for I alone was its singer. To sing it, I needed no permission, no one’s seal of cleanliness. At last, a place where I was welcome! There on the rooftop, pen in hand, I led my own chorus of words, with a melody of my own making (139).

Passage 2 (pages 146-147)

On February 14, two days after the victory of the revolution, began the romance that lasted a year. Nineteen seventy-nine was a year of love, though not the kind of love I had ever known; not the love between a man and a woman, a sister and a brother, a child and a parent; not love of art, work, or religion. It was the mother of all loves, so vast, so deep, that in it every other love could grow. Victory had been announced on television by a young anchor…Then his face, beaming a grin, faded into black. An image appeared: a cherry orchard full of pink blossoms. Accompanying the various shots of the trees were the notes of the single greatest hit song of that year…[whose] lyrics remained on all our lips for months to come: “The air is fresh/The flowers are budding out of the soil/The returning doves are singing/Blood is boiling in the stem of every reed/The blessed spring is sashaying toward us…” (146-147).

English 9B Syllabus April 27-May 12

English 9B

Jane Belton

Syllabus April 28 – May 12 2010


Tuesday 4/27

In Class: RWR presentations/projects due.

Homework: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 114-129 (to break in the page). Then select one passage from this reading in particular that interests you most. Then go back and annotate the passage carefully, marking key language, imagery, themes, and connections to other moments in the text. Fill out definitions, parts of speech, & context for vocabulary words 31-35.

Wednesday 4/28 – No Class, Friday Schedule

Thursday 4/29

In Class: Discussion of Journey from the Land of No (Bibi/Z, narrative structure, Roya’s personal and political realizations, cleanliness)

Homework: 1) Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 129-150 (to break in the page). 2) Complete Close Reading Assignment # 2 (see handout for passages and instructions) 3) Fill out definitions, parts of speech, and context for vocabulary words 36-40. Begin selecting your next RWR book.

Friday 4/30 – No Class

Monday 5/3

In Class: Close Reading due. Discuss Journey from the Land of No pp 129-150.

Homework: 1) Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 150-169. 2) Fill out definitions, parts of speech, and context for vocab words 41-45. 3) Select and begin reading your next book (Book # 5) for the RWR project.

Tuesday 5/4

In Class: Discuss Journey from the Land of No pp. 150-169

Homework: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No, pp. 170-195. Fill out definitions, parts of speech and context for vocab words 46-50. Select and begin reading your next book (Book # 5) for the RWR project. Your book choice # 5 will be due Wednesday 5/5 in class.

Wednesday 5/5

In Class: RWR Book Choice 5 due. Discuss Journey from the Land of No, pp. 170-195.

Homework: 1) Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No, pp. 196-214. 2) Fill out definitions, parts of speech, and context for vocabulary words 51-60.

Thursday 5/6

In Class: Discuss Journey from the Land of No pp. 196-214.

Homework: 1) Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 215-234 2) Complete Reflection # 11: Imagine you have discovered some of the pages that Roya wrote in her notebook, which her father eventually destroys. Recreate two of those pages from her notebook, from Roya’s voice/perspective, in which she explores themes and subjects of the memoir (perhaps relating to gender, political or family upheaval, personal or political epiphanies, censorship, Khomeini vs. the Shah, etc). You can include poetry as well as prose, if you like. Remember, these pages might have been considered “dangerous” if found. You can also create Roya’s drawings/doodles to go along with this text, if you like (think about Albert’s political cartoons in doing this!). There must be at least 1 ½ pages of written text, however. 3) Read your RWR book # 5.

Friday 5/7 – Arts Fest, No Classes

Monday 5/10 — No Class, Friday Schedule

Tuesday 5/11

In Class: Finish discussion of the book. Share “pages from Roya’s notebook” (Reflection 11).

Homework: Read RWR book # 5.

Wednesday 5/12

In Class: Discuss final project; read “Two Countries” by Jose Marti

Homework: 1) Review “Two Countries”. Then write your own poem following the same format as Marti reflecting on the “two countries” you might inhabit on a mental, emotional, and/or physical level. The “two countries” you live in might not necessarily be two actual countries, but instead metaphorical (e.g., school and home, gender and race/ethnicity, scholar and athlete, artist and student, etc.). 2) Read RWR book # 5. 3) Review for vocabulary quiz # 2 on Wednesday 5/19.

English 9B Syllabus April 12-27

English 9B
Jane Belton

Syllabus April 12 – April 27 2010

Monday 4/12
In Class: Discuss Journey from the Land of No. Religion; Uncle Ardi and Neela.
Homework: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 67-77 (to bottom of the page). Complete a written close reading: Select one short passage from pages 67-77 (a short paragraph, or 6-8 sentences within a paragraph) that strike you most and that you feel are rich (in character development, theme, important issues/questions raised in the memoir thus far). Write a 1 page close analysis of the passage in which you discuss why the passage is important. For instance, you might want to discuss what of significance the passage reveals about Roya or her society/world.  To perform your close analysis, you must zoom in to discuss the importance of specific word choice, language, and imagery that strikes you in the passage and why those choices are important to your understanding of the meaning/significance of the passage.  You may want to make connections between this passage and other moments in the text thus far, if it is important to your discussion. You are required to weave in short pieces of evidence into your analysis (with correct parenthetical citations!).  Do not use “I” or “me” in this analytical assignment. Please title this assignment “Close Reading pp. 67-77.”

Tuesday 4/13
In Class: Discuss Journey from the Land of No pp. 67-77. Share close reading passages; discuss images of motherhood/womanhood.
Homework: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 78-89. Fill out definitions, parts of speech, and context for vocabulary words 16-20.

Wednesday 4/14
In Class:
Discuss pp. 78-89.
Homework: Complete Reflection 10. What were one or two of the most striking images of womanhood or manhood you can remember from your childhood (ads, dolls, action figures, relatives, cartoon characters, etc)? Be specific and describe these images in detail. What did they seem to imply or suggest to you about what was necessary or involved with being a woman/man? What did you think of these images then? What did they make you think or feel? What do you think of them in retrospect? What do they make you think/feel now?  (2 pages, typed, double-spaced)

Thursday 4/15
In Class:
Share Reflection 10
Homework: For Monday 4/19: Fill out definitions, parts of speech, and context for vocabulary words 21-25. Finish your RWR book # 4. For Tuesday 4/20: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 90-101 (to the break in the page)

Friday 4/16 – No School, Professional Day

Monday 4/19
In Class: Discuss RWR project for Trimester III
Homework: Review pp. 90-101 (to the break in the page) and work on RWR worksheet. Begin reviewing vocabulary for the quiz on Monday 4/26.

Tuesday 4/20
In Class: Discuss pp 90-101. Love, marriage, and sacrifice.
Homework: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp 101 – 113. Fill out definitions, parts of speech, and context for vocabulary words 25-30. Review vocabulary for the quiz on Monday 4/26.

Wednesday 4/21
In Class: Discuss Journey from the Land of No pp 101-113; Bibi, notions of adulthood, femininity, and sexuality.
Homework: Review vocabulary for quiz on Monday 4/26. Work on RWR project. Bring in your materials for RWR project to work on in class tomorrow.

Thursday 4/22
In Class: Work on RWR projects in class
Homework: Work on RWR project. Study for vocabulary quiz on Monday 4/26. Bring in materials for RWR project to work on in class tomorrow after the vocabulary quiz.

Friday 4/23 – No Class

Monday 4/26
In Class: Vocabulary quiz; work on RWR projects
Homework: Work on RWR project. Presentations and projects due Tuesday 4/27.

Tuesday 4/27
In Class: RWR presentations/projects due.
Homework: TBA