No Place Like Home Syllabus, February-March
Syllabus: February – March 2011
Wednesday 2/16
CLASS: Discuss The Odyssey Book 17.
HOMEWORK: Read and annotate The Odyssey Book 19. Begin brainstorming and writing your focused freewrite or proposal for final project.
Thursday 2/17
CLASS: Discuss Odyssey, Book 19
HOMEWORK: Read and annotate The Odyssey Books 21. Begin step 1 of final project: initial freewrite/proposal for final project. Please be as specific as possible in your freewrite/proposal. This will be due 2/24.
Friday 2/18
CLASS: Discuss The Odyssey Books 21
HOMEWORK: Read and annotate The Odyssey Books 22 and 23
Monday 2/21-Tuesday 2/22 – No School
Wednesday 2/23
CLASS: Discuss Books 22 & 23.
HOMEWORK: Read and annotate The Odyssey Book 24. Complete project proposal/freewrite, due tomorrow!
Thursday 2/24
CLASS: Final project freewrite/proposal due. Discuss Book 24
HOMEWORK: Read and annotate Odysseus in America Chapter 20 (pp 208-230).
Friday 2/25
CLASS: Discuss Odysseus in America and final project. View resources on lrei library website.
HOMEWORK: Begin independent research for your project: find at least two sources and take detailed notes on each source. Make sure to indicate what source your notes are from (including page numbers). Sources can and should be accessed through print materials, and through the databases and websites through the library website or visual search.
Over the course of your research, you should find at least four sources in total including primary sources – such as first person accounts, interviews, films, images, primary documents, recordings, etc; secondary sources — such as articles, reviews, essays, chapters in books, and statistical information from websites, articles, or books; and reference materials — such as articles/entries from encyclopedias. Web sources can be accessed through the LREI visual search or other means (if you can identify that it is a trustworthy and valuable source of information).
Monday 2/28 – No Class
Tuesday 3/1
CLASS: Independent work/research
HOMEWORK: Work on project: find sources and take notes on each. Make sure to indicate what source your notes are from (including page numbers).
Wednesday 3/2
CLASS: Independent work/research
HOMEWORK: Work on project: find sources and take notes on each. Make sure to indicate what source your notes are from (including page numbers).
Thursday 3/3
CLASS: Workshop on using footnotes/parenthetical citations in your written work and on creating works cited; conferencing as needed.
HOMEWORK: Work on project: Continue taking notes on your sources. Begin the visual and written portions of your project.
Friday 3/4
CLASS: Work period; conferencing as needed. Indicate any audio-visual needs for your presentation.
HOMEWORK: Complete your final project (due at our exam period). The project (visual and written elements), works cited, and your detailed research notes will be due at the exam time. Prepare and rehearse your presentation for the class (5-7 minutes in length).