English 9B Syllabus April 12-27

English 9B
Jane Belton

Syllabus April 12 – April 27 2010

Monday 4/12
In Class: Discuss Journey from the Land of No. Religion; Uncle Ardi and Neela.
Homework: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 67-77 (to bottom of the page). Complete a written close reading: Select one short passage from pages 67-77 (a short paragraph, or 6-8 sentences within a paragraph) that strike you most and that you feel are rich (in character development, theme, important issues/questions raised in the memoir thus far). Write a 1 page close analysis of the passage in which you discuss why the passage is important. For instance, you might want to discuss what of significance the passage reveals about Roya or her society/world.  To perform your close analysis, you must zoom in to discuss the importance of specific word choice, language, and imagery that strikes you in the passage and why those choices are important to your understanding of the meaning/significance of the passage.  You may want to make connections between this passage and other moments in the text thus far, if it is important to your discussion. You are required to weave in short pieces of evidence into your analysis (with correct parenthetical citations!).  Do not use “I” or “me” in this analytical assignment. Please title this assignment “Close Reading pp. 67-77.”

Tuesday 4/13
In Class: Discuss Journey from the Land of No pp. 67-77. Share close reading passages; discuss images of motherhood/womanhood.
Homework: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 78-89. Fill out definitions, parts of speech, and context for vocabulary words 16-20.

Wednesday 4/14
In Class:
Discuss pp. 78-89.
Homework: Complete Reflection 10. What were one or two of the most striking images of womanhood or manhood you can remember from your childhood (ads, dolls, action figures, relatives, cartoon characters, etc)? Be specific and describe these images in detail. What did they seem to imply or suggest to you about what was necessary or involved with being a woman/man? What did you think of these images then? What did they make you think or feel? What do you think of them in retrospect? What do they make you think/feel now?  (2 pages, typed, double-spaced)

Thursday 4/15
In Class:
Share Reflection 10
Homework: For Monday 4/19: Fill out definitions, parts of speech, and context for vocabulary words 21-25. Finish your RWR book # 4. For Tuesday 4/20: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp. 90-101 (to the break in the page)

Friday 4/16 – No School, Professional Day

Monday 4/19
In Class: Discuss RWR project for Trimester III
Homework: Review pp. 90-101 (to the break in the page) and work on RWR worksheet. Begin reviewing vocabulary for the quiz on Monday 4/26.

Tuesday 4/20
In Class: Discuss pp 90-101. Love, marriage, and sacrifice.
Homework: Read and annotate Journey from the Land of No pp 101 – 113. Fill out definitions, parts of speech, and context for vocabulary words 25-30. Review vocabulary for the quiz on Monday 4/26.

Wednesday 4/21
In Class: Discuss Journey from the Land of No pp 101-113; Bibi, notions of adulthood, femininity, and sexuality.
Homework: Review vocabulary for quiz on Monday 4/26. Work on RWR project. Bring in your materials for RWR project to work on in class tomorrow.

Thursday 4/22
In Class: Work on RWR projects in class
Homework: Work on RWR project. Study for vocabulary quiz on Monday 4/26. Bring in materials for RWR project to work on in class tomorrow after the vocabulary quiz.

Friday 4/23 – No Class

Monday 4/26
In Class: Vocabulary quiz; work on RWR projects
Homework: Work on RWR project. Presentations and projects due Tuesday 4/27.

Tuesday 4/27
In Class: RWR presentations/projects due.
Homework: TBA

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