No Place Like Home: Syllabus 10/27-11/5

Syllabus: October – November 2009

Tuesday 10/27

CLASS:      JOIN GWOT CLASS in Room 12

HOMEWORK: 1) Review Response # 6 and use a highlighter or colored pen to highlight/underline your most interesting and original ideas. Then, do your most interesting ideas fit together in some way? What do you seem to be arguing or coming back to in your response as a central idea? Based on this work begin to craft a thesis statement for your essay. (This may take several drafts). I am happy to look at possible thesis statements tomorrow. Schedule a meeting with me for specific feedback. 2) Read “The Minefield at Home” (access this NY Times op-ed from the blog or at Be prepared to discuss how the reading and the film illustrate the challenges facing soldiers when they return home.


Wednesday 10/28

CLASS:   JOIN GWOT CLASS in Room 12; debrief and discuss film.

HOMEWORK:   Write a draft of the introduction to your essay. Bring in a print out to class on Thursday.

Thursday 10/29

CLASS:   Workshop introduction/thesis statements; creating a map for your essay.

HOMEWORK:  Craft a rough outline of your essay to bring in to class on Friday (See Essay Handout for instructions)

Friday 10/30

CLASS:    Rough outline due. Workshop outlines

HOMEWORK:    Continue to work on your essay: 1) Revise outlines (you will submit your outline with the final draft as part of your grade!) 2) Write your first body paragraph. Make sure to follow directions about weaving in evidence from the texts and about parenthetical citations. Make sure to schedule a meeting with me if you want to discuss your essay.

Monday 11/2 – No Class

Tuesday 11/3

CLASS:   Revised outline and Body paragraph 1 due. Writing workshop: Body paragraphs; incorporating and analyzing evidence.

HOMEWORK:   Continue to work on essay.

Wednesday 11/4

CLASS:    Writing Workshop/individual conferences

HOMEWORK:   Finish Essay and process piece for Thursday

Thursday 11/5: Home at Last

CLASS: Essays due. Share excerpts.  Begin Book 13.

HOMEWORK:  Read and annotate Book 13 (lines 1-109; 213 – end)

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