No Place Like Home Syllabus 10/13-10/28

Syllabus: October 2009

Tuesday 10/13
CLASS:        Discuss Hospital Sketches. Women’s roles in war.
HOMEWORK:    Read and annotate the three New York Times articles: “GI Jane Breaks the Combat Barrier”; “Wartime Soldier, Conflicted Mom”; and “Battleground: Female Soldiers in the Line of Fire”.

Wednesday 10/14 (PSAT TESTING)
CLASS:        Watch Lioness
HOMEWORK:    Complete Response # 5: Based on your reading of the New York Times articles and your viewing of the film Lioness thus far, what strikes you most about the experiences of these female soldiers? What is most surprising, interesting, and/or disturbing to you and why? Please incorporate specific evidence from the articles and the film into your response.

If you are taking the PSAT’s today you must go to: and read the information on that page. Then, please click on the link to “Watch Preview”. Also please view the middle video (3:20 minutes) on the webpage: “It’s kind of like they went out of their way to make sure they didn’t mention us”.  If you have missed class, you are only expected to discuss aspects of the film that you read about or saw on the website in Response # 5.

Thursday 10/15
CLASS:        Response # 5 due. Watch Lioness
HOMEWORK:     Read and annotate Book 11 lines 1-256 and 436-731

Friday 10/16: Unit 4: Remembering the Dead
CLASS:         Discussion of world of the dead: Close reading of specific passages.
HOMEWORK:     Read and annotate Chapter 9 (pp. 76-85) and Chapter 17 pp. 168 – 174 (from “Stages of Recovery” to “which must then be restored) in Odysseus in America. Bring both this text and your Odyssey to class on Tuesday.

Monday 10/19 – No Class

Tuesday 10/20
CLASS:    Continue discussion of world of the dead: Why must Odysseus go there? What do his experiences there teach him or give him? Connections to Odysseus in America. Read Yusef Komunkakaa’s “Facing It” (handout). Writing on the poems in connection to Book 11. Introduce Odyssey essay assignment.
HOMEWORK:    Complete initial work on your essay (Response # 6, specifics TBA).

Wednesday 10/21 – Friday 10/23: Minimester
Monday 10/26 – No Class

Tuesday 10/27
CLASS:        Work with Response # 6 to highlight most interesting and original ideas.
HOMEWORK:    Continue to work on your essay: Formulate your thesis statement (this may take several drafts). Write a draft of your introduction that includes your thesis statement.

Wednesday 10/28
CLASS:        Writing workshop.
HOMEWORK:    Work on your essay. Thursday and Friday mornings we will join with the GWOT class for special sessions. Thursday afternoon we will take a group field trip to a film screening (Specifics TBA)

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