May 28, 2009

Upcoming Events

  • Thursday May 28th – Senior Project Presentations, 6:30 in the High School
  • Friday May 29th – Senior Prom
  • Tuesday June 2nd – Senior Parent & Student meeting with Andrew and Joanne 6:30 in the HS Library
  • Thursday June 4th – Review Day – all students required to be at school
  • Thursday June 4th – Senior Banquet 6:30 PM, 145 Thompson St. (TSAC)
  • Friday June 5th – Graduation – all students must be at school by 8:30, dressed in appropriate attire
  • Monday June 8th – Reading Day – review sessions and individual meetings, TBA
  • Tuesday June 9th to Thursday June 11th- Exams (click here for exam schedule)
  • Friday June 12th – Last day of school
  • Please visit the school calendar page at

Dear Families,
It is a busy time in the life of the high school.  In the classroom, teachers are bringing closure to their courses, and students are hard at work preparing for final projects, papers, and exams.   Outside the classroom, extracurricular activities are coming to an end in the form of concerts, publications, and assemblies.  In these final weeks, we also have several opportunities to come together as a community to celebrate the myriad accomplishments of our departing seniors.  Last Friday, we began Field Day with our annual Senior Appreciation ceremony.  Each 12th grader was presented with two special gifts from his/her 5th grade buddy – a red rose and a personalized LREI t-shirt.  Tonight at 6:30 PM, the seniors will present their Senior Projects to an audience of faculty, students, family, and friends.  The Senior Project asks students to pursue their own interests and passions, to apply what they have learned in the classroom through a real-world internship, and to work individually with a faculty mentor as they document their experience.  The projects and presentations take a variety of forms, representing the wide range of interests and talents of our senior class.  You can click here to get a sneak-peak at the titles of this year’s presentations. A big thank you to all the faculty mentors, and especially to the Senior Project coordinators, Adele de Biasi Pelz and Antonio Valle, who have supported the seniors with their superb organization, endless patience, and positive feedback.   It is sure to be a memorable evening.  Then onward to graduation!

All best,

Julia Heaton

From Phil Kassen

  • Thank you to those who have contributed to our fund to create a lasting memorial to Owen Gerson in Little Red Square.  I write to invite you to join in the dedication of Owen’s bench this Friday, May 29th at 8:15AM.  The program will consist of a few brief comments and a quiet moment to mark the occasion.  We will gather in front of LREI’s Sixth Avenue building or, in case of rain, in the auditorium.
    For those of you who would like to participate in this effort and have yet to do so, you can leave checks, made out to LREI, with the receptionists. Children who would like to contribute separately from their parents can do so by leaving their donations in the Little Red School House jar in the Sixth Avenue library.
  • As the school year draws to a close, the time is upon us when we must wish a fond farewell to a few dedicated members of the LREI community.  I invite you to join me in thanking Pippa Gerard, our Director of Development, Samantha Caruth, Director of Admissions, and Sandra Song, Annual Fund Manager for all that each has done during her time at LREI.  We will miss them each dearly. Please join in our celebration of their accomplishments.
    • Goodbye Breakfast
      Thursday, June 4th
      Sixth Avenue Library

Other Announcements

  • Our new summer experience is Summer Living –  It’s true experiential learning, and we think it will be seriously fun as well as immensely rewarding.  Read all about summer living and the  summer reading here.
  • You should have received, or will be receiving soon, next years forms and permission slips.  Please make sure you return them by the opening of school in September.

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