Director’s Blog, November 2010

Community Connections

Dear Families,

Thank you to all who participated in this past weekend’s Halloween Fair. All of your hard work, collaboration and creativity blossomed into a fun day for all.  It was nice to see so many members of the community participating, including a number of high school volunteers.  This day was just one example of many LREI events that represent the community coming together for the benefit of all.  There are many more events of this type being planned—the upcoming DVD/CD Swap, the Book Fair, the Literary Evening, our new community cook book and Karamu!, our multicultural celebration, just to name a few. This focus on the community coming together for the education and enjoyment of all is a hallmark of communities like LREI.

At the beginning of each school year LREI embarks on another community effort in which both reaching our goal and doing it together are essential—our annual fundraising campaign. LREI’s Annual Fund is comprised of money raised during events such as the Halloween Fair and the Big Auction (coming on May 11, 2011) and cash donations from families, trustees, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty/staff and friends of the school.

The Annual Fund helps us to bridge the gap between the School’s annual expenses and income from tuition, increases to which we keep as low as possible.  Simply put, the Annual Fund allows us to be LREI.  It allows us to make decisions that are consistent with Elisabeth Irwin’s original progressive ideals and with our current progressive mission. The Annual Fund supports LREI’s commitment to offering the level of tuition remission that we do, among the highest of independent schools in New York City. The Annual Fund allows us to say “Yes” to providing the same core experience to each LREI student, supporting all families as we plan overnight trips, for example. The Annual Fund allows us to say “Yes” each time teachers want to bring students out into the world.  It allows us to say “Yes” to professional development for our excellent faculty. The Annual Fund allows us to take risks and to be creative. It allows us, in short, to do what we ask the students to do.  It allows LREI to remain a leader in educational thought and practice.

So here is where the community part comes in. We are grateful to all who have helped us to meet the challenge of achieving our Annual Fund goals in the past.  Thank you to the many members of the community who have already contributed this year, including all 34 members of LREI’s Board of Trustees.  Our goal is not only to raise quite a significant sum, but also to increase the percentage of members from each constituency who contribute. Please give at whatever level is comfortable for you.  Whatever that amount is, if you have not already done so (and, again, thank you if you have) please participate. Thank you, in advance, for supporting our 14-year progressive program.

If you have questions about our Annual Fund, you can contact Brooke Gadasi, Director of Advancement ( or me, at any time.

Thank you for all that each family, and each individual, does for LREI throughout the year.  You make us a stronger community and a better school.



Updates and Announcements:

Families, please note:  Someone named Victoria Wade is on Facebook claiming to be class of 2010 and friending our students, many of whom have accepted her request. This is spam at least, and possibly a phishing operation (looking to gain potentially sensitive or private info about our students). It appears she has targeted any Facebook user with Elisabeth Irwin or LREI in their profile. Anyone who has accepted her friend request should immediately report this user as spam and block her.

*Welcome to MID-KNIGHT MADNESS, FRIDAY, NOV 5TH -8-11PM TSAC, (145 Thompson St.) An open gym for all faculty and 7-12th graders.  This is the OFFICIAL kick off party to the 2010-2011 season!  Snacks and drinks and fun games!

This is not mandatory for anyone, just for fun!

*Please come to the LREI High School Play,  TARTUFFEPOSTER_SmTartuffe

Directed by Meghan Farley Astrachan

Friday, November 12th & Saturday, November 13th at 7:00pm

LREI: Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School, Performing Arts Center, 40 Charlton Street, New York, New York 10014

Laugh along at the farcical adventures of Orgon’s dysfunctional family and watch as impostor Tartuffe wreaks “holy”havoc.  17th century style, with a splash of 21st!  In rhyming verse!  Fun for the whole family!

Tickets available for purchase every morning in the 6th Ave lobby as well as at the box office at Charlton Street.

1. Community Service Opportunity:  LREI has joined JSA, Joint Schools Activities, with other schools such as Riverdale, Trinity, Browning, Dwight, Columbia Prep and Horace Mann.  Our student reps, Thomas Marin ’13, Emma Stydahar ’13, Lily Gavin ’13 and Mia Silvan-Grau ’14 are just starting their roles and the first event we will participate in is the Service Day and Servathon with StudentsforService and City Year NY at PS 112/206 in East Harlem next Saturday, November 13.   If your child would like to participate in this event, please take a look at the community service description and waiver to participate.  Students can give the signed waiver to any of the reps above or to Ruth.  Waivers need to be in by next Tuesday, Nov. 9.

2.  From our Academic Support Center team:  *Important Message from Patricia Carter and Jerry Cascio, High School Learning Specialists: If your child is eligible to receive specific accommodations in testing or in the classroom, please submit a copy of this documentation to the Academic Support Center at LREI if you have not already done so.  Click here to download a copy of the Documentation Request.

3.  Message from Chap, Director of Diversity and Community:

How to Raise an Ally: Social Justice at LREI, Wednesday, November 10, 8:45 AM in the Sixth Avenue Cafeteria.

Let’s Get Real:  A documentary film where youth speak up about name-calling and bullying

When youth in the film were asked how they are singled out or targeted, issues such as race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, body size and immigration status, among others, came to the forefront.

How might we unconsciously perpetuate inequalities or negative attitudes toward some people in our midst?  Are we setting an example of respect by our language, our demeanor, and the attention we give to children’ feelings and their treatment of each other?

The social justice program of the school helps to develop language for students to express their feelings, resolve conflicts, and understand the societal factors that lead to prejudice.

Viewing segments of the film and engaging in a discussion with other parents will help support your children (and teachers) at home with the conversations we are having at school.

Grab a cup of coffee and a good seat as we embark on Part 1 of a series of 3 Open PA Diversity Meetings.

4. Go Green to School Day is this Wednesday, November 3rd and will continue throughout the year on the first Wednesday of every month.  Please make every effort to take a green mode of transportation to school – walk, bike, scoot, take public transportation or car pool.

Also, to celebrate America Recycles Day (November 15) we will have a DVD/CD Swap.  Starting on Monday, November 15 and continuing through Wednesday, November 17 tables will be set up outside of the Sixth Avenue building for the swap.  You can drop off DVDs/CDs ahead of time in a bin located in the lobby, beginning November 1.   Students/faculty/parents can swap all forms of CDs and DVDs, including computer, film, music, game and video.  Any unwanted CDs and DVDs at the end of the week of November 17th will be sent to Back Thru the Future Technology Disposal who will safely recycle them.

5.  Applications for 2011-2012 Tuition Remission

Please be on the look-out for an e-mail from Michel de Konkoly Thege, Associate Director, which was transmitted on October 26, 2010 and contains information about applying for tuition remission for the 2011-2012 school year.  This year for the first time we are communicating with families that receive tuition remission by e-mail only and are urging these families to use the online option for completing the necessary forms.  If you received tuition remission in the current school year and did not get this e-mail, a copy may be accessed by clicking here. Please note that the online system for filing tuition remission materials will now open on November 8, not November 1 as stated in Michel’s e-mail of October 26.

6.  The School Store will be open this month on Wednesday 3rd and Wednesday 17th from 8am – 9am at the Sixth Avenue entrance ( or in case of bad weather, inside the lobby).  Show your Spirit and start your holiday shopping now!

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