I Put a Spell On You (Z, Annabelle, Milei, Clare)

Artist Statement:

Annabelle: I transposed the staccato horn part into a flute part, and generated a solo based on the F minor scale. 

Milei: In a way, I transposed the bass line of the song. I used soundtrap in order to record my bass part for the song. 

Z: I re-imagined the drums and rhythm of the song, so that we’re in a 16th back beat feel. I recorded my drums in logic, as well as recording vocals in logic. I also mixed the final song!!

Clare: I played a few different chords throughout the song. I also changed the singing a bit. 



Collectively arranged and performed by:

Z (drums, mixing, production)

Annabelle (flute)

Milei (bass)

Clare (voice, piano).

Annabelle’s flute chart
The Logic session

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