Mother Africa: My Home – A Circus Spectacular

circus On Thursday, December 1, our class went to the New Victory Theater to see a show called, “Mother Africa: My Home.” The circus is set in Cape Town’s largest township, Khayelitsha. The amazing dancers, musicians, contortionists, and acrobats represent several African nations including: Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Ivory Coast. outside-the-theater As we left the theater and headed back to LREI, we thought about how fun it would be to try some of those moves. Bailey decided to start trying now. times-square Walking through Times Square drawing-one For homework that night we drew pictures of our favorite moments from the circus. drawing-2 We eventually put all of our pictures into a book and sent it to the performers. This illustration depicts the moment a performer balanced on a three wheeled cycle. Notice the musicians on stage – a very accurate portrayal. practice The next day teaching artists from the New Victory Theater came to our classroom and led a workshop on circus arts. practice-2 people-mountain We were doing such a good job working together, we decided to try “The People Mountain.” img_1363 yes-we-can

YES WE CAN! yes-we-can-2