A Visit from Mr. Kim and Master Lee

Master Lee 2 (1)

Dear Mr. Kim and Master Lee,

Thank you SO much for coming into our classroom and showing us how to use an abacus and showing us what it’s like in action. We learned that it is not so hard to do complicated math in your head, all you have to do is work hard and keep practicing.

I always thought that the abacus was just some useless toy, but you showed me how it works and how much of a great tool it is.

It was really cool to see you do all those crazy big numbers. I want you to teach me to beat Harvard students. I am so speechless it must have taken years of practice.

A part of your visit I thought was really fun was when Mr. Kim wrote out numbers and Master Lee competed against kids on a calculator.
It was really fun competing with you.

You amazed us! We hope you had a good time too.


Deborah and Megan’s Fourth Grade Class (Quotes taken from individual thank you notes)