4/23/19 Learning Support Meeting Notes

4/23/19: Harriet and I shared with the rest of the department some of our big takeaways from the NYSAIS Brain conference we attended 3/6-8. Jessica wasn’t able to attend this meeting as she was on the junior trip. We had a fruitful discussion about working memory, the interplay of reading disorders and ADHD, and dyscalculia. We discussed working with the math department and lower school teachers to share what we have been learning about learning and attention issues and how they impact math performance for students.

2/5/2019 Learning Support Meeting Notes

We discussed conferences and professional development opportunities and then discussed the structure of learning support in each division. This was in the context of Robin leaving the middle school and our goal of exploring ways to restructure learning support in the middle school and/or reinvent the learning specialist role to some extent. We ended up sharing a lot of concerns across divisions about what works and what doesn’t and how we see our population of students and their needs changing. We set our agenda for our next meeting: we’d like to create a written document of all of our ideas about this as a department to share with Phil and the senior administration. 

11/13/2018 Learning Support Meeting Notes

We talked about setting up professional development for our department. There is interest in getting an evaluator to come and present to us and walk us through the most recent versions of specific tests, interpreting/reading evaluations, how to talk to parents about evaluations, etc. We have a couple of people in mind we’ll reach out to and see if they are interested and available in doing this later in the year. We also talked about setting up school visits and interdivisional visits throughout the year. For our next meeting, we will give the case study approach a try by bringing in an example of a student with anecdotes, work, or other evidence to puzzle through and discuss as a group. We will see how this goes and decide from there whether to launch a more extensive case study approach this year.