Math Department Meeting #4, 2/15/22

Submitted by: Pat Higgiston

We began the meeting with a math problem to get the math mind working!

We heard from members of each division about the work that we had been doing severally, with an eye on equity in the realms of pedagogy and curriculum. The MS faculty are visiting one another’s classrooms and reflecting together on choices they make in classes. Chris shared with us a project his students have been working on for Black History Month, in which a student presents on a black mathematician each time the class meets. This is reminiscent of the Mathematician Project and might be a good model to elaborate on.

In the HS, we reported on the outcome of our daylong workshop, articulating and refining the content of a two-year core sequence in the high school that we envision as being detracked, picking up on the work the middle school program has been doing this year with the 8th grade. We anchored the content for this class in the progressive and inclusive values we have made explicit in previous meetings. In brief, we’ve determined the ‘what’ and the ‘why’. Our next move is to discuss the ‘how’ — work for the spring trimester.

We looked briefly at the draft of the curriculum assessment tool and wondered if it could be made more concrete somehow. We will revisit this at our next meeting.

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