Ed Tech LREI@ Home

Submitted by: Clair Segal

-What does September hold for us:

-Training wise


-Celeste is trying to set up Drive accounts for the 3rd grade right now

-How young do we go and with what software? 

-Drive for 1st and 2nd? 

-Google Classroom? 


-Connect and Email set up

-Jumprope set up/norming

-Zoom training

-I can do that via Loom explanations/one on one work via Zoom if necessary


-Teacher training

-Two new English teachers


-Device/Set Up wise

-What devices do we have/can we give for which grades next year? 

-What is our file installation system? Are we still using File Wave for next year? And if so how do we get those things on our devices for next year



-What’s the plan for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th graders? 

-could we get the 2nd graders 4th-grade iPads? 

-could we get a set of the Chromebooks for the 3rd and 4th grades? 

-11 4th graders are leaving→ how can we retrieve their devices? 


-Mark and Jacob had discussed new 5th grade Chromebooks→ 

-5th->6th->7th->8th with devices moving up with kids each year

-HS Laptops for 9th grade

Filewave solution

External mouse also?

-Could this go on a supply list as something we ask the kids to buy? 


-Overall Integration Work


-Teachers are feeling much better about their tech usage

-Things are finally starting to quiet down/feel balanced for them 


-Teachers are being great, super willing to dig into things

-Since Zoom isn’t super reliable, it’s actually encouraging different models of teaching that they’re looking for tools to support


-Teachers have a lot of young kids, so they’re juggling at the same time as teaching

-We need to push them to innovate more→ everyone is rolling with it, but they’re also  not going far beyond their comfort zones/trying to recreate traditional teaching via Zoom


Happy Hour

-Every other week is working for us as a schedule

-Joy will host the next one on the 7th 

-Celeste will do the 21st 

-What’s our general theme for the next one? 

-Synchronous tools? Since we did asynchronous last time? 

– how are you engaging students over zoom?


-Question for the Group: 

-End of year events/plans. What do those look like? What do we need to support? What standards are we setting? 

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