Category: Brandstetter


I woke up in the morning, startled and then remembered it was just my alarm clock. I woke up my dog, Ace, and started getting ready for school. I ironed all my clothes including my underwear and my socks. As I was brushing my teeth with my toothbrush 2,000 (that I built), my mom came in the bathroom and turned it off.                                                                                                                                                                                          


“Hey!” I said as I looked up from the comic book that I was reading.


“Sam, brushing your teeth is 20 times faster than that… thing,” she said, pointing at my toothbrush 2,000.


“Fine,” I said with a sarcastic note in my voice as I picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste.’’


As I was eating my cereal for breakfast, Ace came up to me with a doggy toy in his mouth that looked like a frisbee but was spelled “Frizby”. I hesitated and then kept eating. Ace started whining. I put the cereal box in front of me so I could not see him and his cute face. Ace started whimpering and half barking so I looked at my watch. The bus came at 8:00 and it was 7:30.

“Fine,” I said “but only for 15 minutes.”


Ten minutes later I was having as much fun as Ace was. I threw him the Frizby and he brought it back, we played hide and seek and five minutes later I heard a sound like the screeching of tires.


Then I realized “The bus!”


I bolted into our house grabbed my backpack and raced out the front door. By the time I got there, the bus was already pulling away. “Aw man,” I muttered under my breath. I started walking home. My mom saw me and said “ Again?”  


A few minutes later I got in my mom’s Ford and we started driving to school.


“I can’t drive you to school everyday like your father did,”  she said.


 I replied, “What time are you going to pick me up from school? 3:00 or 3:15?”


“3:15, hey don’t change the subject!” My mom exclaimed. “ I need you to be more responsible. I was supposed to be at work already!”


“Mhm,” I mumbled under my breath. My mom works at an establishment called Goldman Sachs.


When I got to school I was kind of worried. My first subject was science and I think the teacher is evil. I am probably exaggerating but he is the one dragging my grades down and he always gives me evil looks like he’s going to kill me. He also often reports me to the principal’s office. I went to science to with my notebook and pencil and a whole lot of courage. I sat down next to my partner, Stacy, and she smiled at me. I wanted to smile back but Mr. A (Nobody Knows why his name is A but we dare not to disrespect him or he’ll go crying to the principal’s office) said

“We are going to be doing chemical reacting. You see the Beakers at all your tables?”

I glanced down at the bubbling beaker in front of me which I had accidentally touched. Mr. A glared at me and continued.

“You will mix them together but first you must infer what will happen. Go!”

As soon as he said go everyone started talking and mixing the beakers together except me (and Stacy).

I looked around at everybody and thought to myself, “It can’t be that hard.”  


So I picked up the green beaker and poured it into the red one. As soon as I poured the green beaker into the red one there was an explosion that shot up in Mr. A’s face. “Auggggg!” he shouted. He slumped to the ground, unconscious. I spent the rest of that day in the principal’s office.


 When I arrived home I went straight to my room and slumped down on my bed. Ace came to greet me but I just wasn’t in the mood. Later that afternoon, I went outside. I thought the fresh air would do me some good. As soon as I got outside I saw a shooting star.


“Cool,” I said, “ I wish there was a way I could best Mr. A.”


As soon as I said this the shooting star fell in my backyard. I was startled. Then I bolted into our house. Ace jumped up and followed me into the back, confused. When I got outside, I saw green and red smoke. When it partially cleared away, I saw the most amazing sight I’ve ever seen. I saw a robot but not just any robot. This robot was in the shape of a dog. It also kind of looked like Ace. As I was watching I saw a girl peeking over my fence. It was Stacy and she looked surprised.


“Hullo,” she said that’s not a sight you see everyday.”


I let her come over. As soon as she came over the mist add totally cleared and I could see all of it’s features. It looked exactly like Ace except metal and robotic. It barked a few times and then a holographic projection came up. It clanked, buzzed and whirred a few times and then a boy who sort of looked like me popped up.


He said “Don’t look so surprised. Do you not recognize me?”


“Nooooo?” I said, stunned while Stacy stood next to me with her jaw hitting the floor.


“Fine,” he said, apparently hurt ”let me introduce myself. I am you from the future, and this is Roboace,” He said pointing down.


“Just like my Ace” I uttered


“Exactly! I loved my Ace so much that I always wanted to be with him so I downloaded him to this robot suit and voila! But anyway back to the serious stuff. You see that watch around your wrist. Inside it is  a gem that has the power to hypnotize people. In your school Mister A’s actual name is Apocalypse and he wants that job so he can take over the world. You see, if that jem is hooked up to anything that can amplify music to a high amount or to any digital device it can hypnotize anybody listening or watching it. If they stay hypnotized for more than a minute, it will be permanent.”  When he was done I was  so overwhelmed I was dizzy. “Also,” he finished, triumphantly “Apocalypse has a robot cat called Technocat who is really dangerous. If you destroy Technocat then you will foil his plans. He relies on Technocat to get the jem and complete his plans. Oh yeah, one last thing, press the button on Roboace’s nose, it enable speech mode.” Then he disappeared.


“Okay?” I said as I pushed the button Roboace’s nose.


There was a whirr and and a clank but then in a pleasant yet robotic voice,  Roboace said “ Thanks. Now you need to get some sleep. Your mom will be looking for you.”


I said “Fine. But we need a place to hide you.”


I woke up in the morning to the sound of an alarm clock and a giant water balloon dropping on me. I bolted up out of my bed, sputtering and trying to get the water out of my eyes.


“What was that?!” I exclaimed.


“You overslept. The bus is about to come.” Said a robotic voice that seemed to come from my alarm clock.


“What!?” I yelled. I jumped up from my bed and rushed to my closet I pulled on all my clothes, got my backpack and then rushed into the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth as fast as I could I tried to think why my mother had not woken me up and then remembered that she had to go to work early. Then I rushed into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of bread that my mom had left me before she went to work and dashed out the door. I saw the bus and, thankfully, the doors were just opening. I dashed in and then took a seat in one of the filth covered seats of the bus.


When I got to school I was really happy because I did not have science that day.

“You’re almost late for your first subject. Get a move on!” Said a robotic voice from my backpack that quite made me jump.


“How did you get into my backpack?” I asked as I walked to my first class.

“That question is unauthorized. I can’t answer but let’s just say that I transformed to look like one of your books so if you see a shining book in your bag, don’t take me or “it“ out.”

As I went to my classes during the day I thought about what I had learned about Mr. A or Apocalypse. When I had started coming out of my last class, Roboace said in a worried tone “I am getting a signal from another robot built in the same way as me. I think it may be Technocat!” “I think we should investigate.”

I replied “Ditto.”


Roboace said, “Now hold on I am going to teleport us there.”

“You can do that?” I started but never finished because at that moment all I saw was black and then we appeared in front of the local library.


“What,” I exclaimed, completely flabbergasted “just happened?”


“I teleported us to the signal that I got. It seems that Technocat is just approaching. Please put down your backpack so I can get ready for battle.” Roboace said.

I put down my backpack and Roboace sprang out. “Thanks.” He said “Now push that button on my side. It will put a cloaking device and make us seem to disappear to people who are not us and Technocat.” As soon as he said that I saw it. It looked almost like a replica of Roboace except that it look like a cat. Instead of walking it floated. As it slowly came towards us it started to purr. Roboace barked and then Technocat halted. We all stood still for about five Seconds and then Technocat meowed. Imagine being in front of  jet engine. that’s what the meow felt like. I held onto a street pole for dear life. Roboace did not seem bothered. When the meow was done, Roboace barked. I watched in amazement as a car got lifted off the ground and hurled towards Technocat. Technocat meowed and the car shot right back at us. Roboace barked and the car stopped in mid-air and just hung there. Two things then came out of Technocat’s back  and started shooting out purple lasers. Me and Roboace hid behind a rose bush. Then Roboace barked again and two mailboxes flew towards Technocat. They hit Technocat coming from both sides and he lay on the ground, “Quickly!” Roboace exclaimed, “Cut the wires on his back. They will short circuit him and we will win!” I looked around for something sharp to cut the wires with but I could not find anything. Then I remembered that I had a swiss army knife in my backpack. I got it out as fast as I could and hurled it towards Technocat. The knife Spun a couple times and then sliced all the wires on his (or hers) back. “Yes!” Me and Roboace exclaimed in unison.


When I went to school the next day and I went to science. I brought a very shiny book to class. When I got to my seat and sat down. Mr. A or shall I call him Apocalypse sat down quietly and glared at me. He knows that I destroyed Technocat and now he knows not to mess with me or I will unleash my shiny book on him!

The End

Or is it?
Illuminati Confirmed!?

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Circuit Essay


We all have experienced loss in our life. It is either the loss of friends/family and for others it’s the loss of a prized possession. Everybody responds in a different way. Some people use the times of loss to think back and commemorate all of they have had with that thing and become more mature and some people just break down.    In The Circuit, by Francisco Jimenez, When Francisco does not make meaningful connections with others, that makes it harder for him to thrive.

Francisco made friends with Miguelito, a boy from his camp, who moved away before they could become real friends. Francisco goes to a cotton camp in Corcoran and started going to school. He walks to the bus with his friend, Miguelito. After school, they met at a playground. They were going to make fishing poles out of a pepper tree. Miguelito had to leave but he wanted to meet up the next day. The next day when Francisco came over to Miguelito’s cabin he was not there and neither was all his family’s belongings. Francisco figured that his best friend moved away. Page: 49, “My heart sank into my stomach. Slowly, I walked home, feeling a lump in my throat. I heard Miguelito’s laugh in my head and thought about our game with puddles.” When Francisco found out that Miguelito left, he sort of broke down. After Miguelito left, Francisco’s only friend (until he moved again) was a fish that he named El Angel De Oro. He watched it swim around for hours. After that he had no friends for a long time.

Francisco then made friends with Carl who he met in school. They both had penny collections Fransisco moved away before he could show it to Carl. Francisco met Carl in school. They both had coin collections. They organized to meet and for Francisco to show his collection. Francisco moved away before he could show his to Carl. So sad! Francisco met Carl in school and then became best friends. They both had started collecting coins and when Francisco came over he was amazed. One at Carl’s house and at his coin collection. Francisco was going to bring his collection to school but they moved away before he could. Page 101: ”I never got the chance to show Carl my collection. That weekend we  moved to Five Points and I never saw my friend again.” Once Francisco makes a friend it looks like it is hard for him to make friends after he has lost one. In the beginning he made friends with Arthur and he lost him. Then he had Miguelito and he lost him too. Then had Carl for like two seconds then lost him then it did not mention any more friends.

In the very end, Francisco was very comfortable in school. Then his English teacher, Ms. Ehlis, got him deported back to mexico. In eighth grade, Francisco has two teachers that he really likes. One is his English teacher, Ms. Ehlis and his math teacher, Mr. Milo. In English they had to memorize and recite the whole Declaration of Independence. The day that was due there was a knock at the door. It was the immigration officers (border patrol)! Ms. Ehlis came over and told them that they were looking for Francisco. And then he was deported along with Roberto. Then Miss Ehlis came over with the border patrol and the principal and told them they were looking for Francisco. Last page: “Miss Ehlis and the border patrol officer walked up to me. This is him, she said, sadly. My eyes clouded.” I thought this was the most sad ending I have ever gotten from a book. It just ends with Francisco and Roberto getting deported without it actually saying it. On the other hand the teacher had gotten him deported. If I was Francisco I would have some mixed feelings in that moment. Mostly sad, mad, scared, disappointed and I would be asking the same question over and over in my mind, “Why did she have to point out that it was me they were looking for?”

Francisco did not thrive very much because he did not make many meaningful connections. Although he had a couple of friends (keep in mind, not that many) he lost them very quickly. He made friends with Arthur in 1st grade and then moved, Miguelito and then he moved, Carl and then Francisco moved and then his English teacher got him deported back to mexico. Although Francisco kept losing friends he also kept going. What if you were in Francisco’s shoes? What action do you think you would’ve taken?