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Color war baseball


This is when I hit the 2 Rbi double to help us get back in the game.

One of my favorite memories of this summer was at camp, A team color war baseball. A team means the best in our group. I batted 4th and played 3rd base the entire game. It was a very exiting game. The first Two innings were tight, it was 3-2 Buff. But then it all went wrong Blue scored 10 runs in the next inning to make it 12-3.  Our coach Fernando gave us the best speach I’v ever herd from a coach. And it made me and the rest of our team play a lot better. We kept climbing back and cutting in the lead. Sadly we lost 13-11. I batted 4-4 with 3 doubles, 1 single, and 3 rbi’s. It was very fun even though we lost the game and also lost color war.

My Favorite piece is…

Xander Texture



My favorite piece this year I did in art is my texture collage. It is my favorite because iv’e never thought turning awesome texture pages into a collage that we drew. What I did that made it my favorite was I worked really hard on the texture pages to make my whole drawing piece better and more fun for me.



Exit polling

Exit polling was really fun. I was a poller and a data collector. polling was really fun exept for the rude people but other then the it was really fun to see and ask questions on who they want to be president. I thought the whole thing was really fun and after we had a good idea on who was going to be president.

Every population has a limit!

IMG_20160422_133319847 (2)

Every species does not have unlimited amount of resources or room. 7 billion people live on earth and it is growing by the minute.  Now in China each family can only have one child. Why? Because there is NOT enough room to have so many people in China.  We played a game in school called shark tank. How to play is there are minnows, seaweed, and Sharks. The minnows had to eat 1  seaweed to survive, 2 to have a baby, the shark had to eat 2 minnows to survive, 4 to have a baby, and  if seaweed  didn’t get eaten they multiplied. But if any population got too big everyone died in the long run. This connects because if one species got to big and took up too much room or took too many resources everyone would die in the long run.

Canopic Jar

Xander Canopic Jar

This is my canopic Jar. I mad it out of clay. It would hold the insides of your body but each one held different things. The different ones are Human head, Baboon, Falcon, and Jackal.

Tomb painting

This is my Tomb Painting. It is a cat. What I most like about it is the head . I spent a lot of time on all of it but I like the head the most.
Xander Tomb Painting

Shark Tank Simulation

The goal of the game was for every speeches to stay alive and for none of them to die out. What mostly happened was the shark didn’t eat enough minnows and then then the minnows ate too much seaweed. But then all of them got extinct because there was not enough for all of the minnows to get food and eventually all of them died. We did this simulation because we wanted to have a better idea how a speeches can all die out and get extinct



Blog post

I think that they shouldn’t make the key to unlock all the phones. I think that everyone should have their privacy and not for someone to just look at your credit card numbers and a lot of other stuff if someone gets a hold of it. The coach of the Bills (nfl team) someone got into his privacy and told the news that he liked woman feet. It’s a weird thing of his and not for everyone to know. They also can’t unwrite the software so if someone at apple were to be greedy and sell it could get bad.